全新的 git 存储库显示“一切都是最新的”当尝试推送到全新的遥控器时
我是一个 git 新手。我刚刚创建了一个新项目,其中只有 4 个新文件 test1 test2 test3 test4。然后我所做的就是以下几点:
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "VERY 1st commit"
然后我添加了一个远程存储库,这也是我刚刚在 bitbucket.org 中创建的全新存储库
$ git remote add rakspace http://[email protected]/syedrakib/mysamplegit
$ git push rakspace
编辑:我的本地存储库中有 2 个分支:*master* 和 *new_branch*
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git push
的默认行为是推送“匹配”分支。这意味着您一侧的任何分支在另一侧具有相同名称的分支都会被推送。在全新的存储库中,没有分支。因此没有分支匹配。您可以使用 git pushgit push rakspace master
您可以通过在push.default来了解并更改推送设置.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/git-config.1.html" rel="noreferrer">git 配置文档。
The default behavior of
git push
is to push "matching" branches. That means any branches on your side that have a branch named the same thing on the other side get pushed. In a brand new repository, there are no branches. Therefore no branches match. You can cause a branch with a name matching your branch to be created on the remote usinggit push <remote name> <branch name>
. In your case:git push rakspace master
You can find out about and change the push settings by looking for
in the git config documentation.尝试执行
git push rakspace master
。认为您需要指定要推送哪个分支。如果这不是问题,我想知道您是否确实通过执行 git add . 向存储库添加了任何内容?
Try doing
git push rakspace master
. Think you need to specify which branch you want to push.If that's not the problem then, I'm wondering if you actually added anything to the repository by doing
git add .
?Try doing
After tonnes of discussions in multiple places all over the web, i figure the solution for first time push to a clean new repo is
From then on, the push-pull are working like normal. HOW FUNNY??!!!