我正在使用 Salesforce 的开发人员版本,遵循本教程:http:// /www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/fundamentals/index.htm
我创建了一个名为 Recruiter 的个人资料,其用户许可证显示为 Salesforce。
现在,我要创建一个新用户,我选择 Salesforce Platform 作为用户许可证,但下拉列表中唯一可用的配置文件是标准平台用户。事实上,无论我选择哪种用户许可证(Force.com、Chatter Free 或 Salesforce Platform),我仍然无法在“个人资料”下拉列表中看到“招聘人员”个人资料。
此外,我总共创建了 24 个个人资料 - 有些是在我注册时自动创建的,另一些则来自各种实验 - 但其中绝大多数从未出现在“新用户”页面上供选择。我见过的唯一的(取决于我选择的用户许可证)是:
- Force.com - 免费用户
- 聊天 免费用户
- 聊天 - 版主
- 标准平台用户
I'm using the Developer edition of Salesforce, following this tutorial: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/fundamentals/index.htm
I've got to the stage where I have to create users in certain profiles.
I have created a profile called Recruiter, and its User License is shown as Salesforce.
Now, I go to create a new user, I select Salesforce Platform for the User License, but then the only profile available in the drop down is Standard Platform User. In fact, no matter which User License I select (Force.com, Chatter Free or Salesforce Platform), I still can't see the Recruiter profile in the Profile dropdown.
Further, I have 24 profiles created in total - some were created automatically for me when I signed up, and others are from various experiments - but the vast majority of these never appear for selection on the New User page. The only ones I ever see are (depending on which User License I select) are:
- Force.com - Free User
- Chatter Free User
- Chatter - Moderator
- Standard Platform User
What am I doing wrong?
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您使用 Salesforce 用户许可证创建了招聘资料,因此它只会显示为具有 Salesforce 用户许可证的用户的选项;但是,如果您没有任何可用的 Salesforce 用户许可证,则在创建新用户时该选项将不会出现在用户许可证选项列表中。因此,您有两个选择:
You created the Recruiting profile with a Salesforce user license, so it is only going to appear as an option for users with the Salesforce user license; however, if you do not have any Salesforce user licences available, that option will not appear in the user license picklist when creating a new user. So, you have two options: