修复一个特别模糊的 Haskell 空间泄漏
因此,在从我用来将推文数据分解为 n 元语法的 Haskell 中发挥出最后一点性能后,我遇到了空间泄漏问题。当我进行分析时,GC 使用了大约 60-70% 的进程,并且有大量内存部分专用于拖动。希望当我出错时,一些 Haskell 大师能够提出建议。
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, BangPatterns #-}
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Text.Regex.Posix
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Char as C
isClassChar a = C.isAlphaNum a || a == ' ' || a == '\'' ||
a == '-' || a == '#' || a == '@' || a == '%'
cullWord :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
cullWord w = B.map C.toLower $ B.filter isClassChar w
procTextN :: Int -> B.ByteString -> [([B.ByteString],Int)]
procTextN n t = H.toList $ foldl' ngram H.empty lines
where !lines = B.lines $ cullWord t
ngram tr line = snd $ foldl' breakdown (base,tr) (B.split ' ' line)
base = replicate (n-1) ""
breakdown :: ([B.ByteString], H.HashMap [B.ByteString] Int) -> B.ByteString -> ([B.ByteString],H.HashMap [B.ByteString] Int)
breakdown (st@(s:ss),tree) word =
newStack `seq` expandedWord `seq` (newStack,expandedWord)
where newStack = ss ++ [word]
expandedWord = updateWord (st ++ [word]) tree
updateWord :: [B.ByteString] -> H.HashMap [B.ByteString] Int -> H.HashMap [B.ByteString] Int
updateWord w h = H.insertWith (+) w 1 h
main = do
test2 <- B.readFile "canewobble"
print $ filter (\(a,b) -> b > 100) $
sortBy (\(a,b) (c,d) -> compare d b) $ procTextN 3 test2
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)。这帮助我将最终执行时间缩短了 2 秒。我所做的另一件事是使用序列(Data.Sequence
)而不是列表(没有明显区别:-( )。我的版本可以在 这里。查看堆配置文件,我认为您的程序中没有空间泄漏:

你只是在内存中构建了一个相当大的哈希表(377141 个键值对),然后将其丢弃经过一番处理后。根据 Johan 的帖子,这个大小的哈希表大约需要。 5*N + 4*(N-1) 个字 = 3394265*4 字节 ~= 13 MiB,这与堆配置文件显示的内容一致。剩余空间由键和值占用。在我的机器上,GC 花费的时间约为 40%,这听起来并不是不合理,因为您不断更新哈希表和临时“堆栈”,同时不对数据进行任何计算量大的操作。由于您需要哈希表的唯一操作是
,因此也许最好使用 可变数据结构?更新:我已经使用可变哈希表重写了您的程序。有趣的是,速度差别不大,但内存占用稍好一些:
One small optimisation is to filter the data (using
) before sorting it. This helped me shave 2s off the final execution time. Another thing I've done was to use sequences (Data.Sequence
) instead of lists (no noticeable difference :-( ). My version can be found here.Looking at the heap profile, I don't think that there is a space leak in your program:

You're just building a fairly large hash table (377141 key-value pairs) in memory, and then discard it after some processing. According to Johan's post, a hash table of this size takes approx. 5*N + 4*(N-1) words = 3394265*4 bytes ~= 13 MiB, which agrees with what the heap profile shows. The remaining space is taken by the keys and values. On my machine, time spent in GC is around 40%, which doesn't sound unreasonable given that you're constantly updating the hash table and the temporary "stacks", while not doing anything computation-heavy with the data. Since the only operation that you need the hash table for is
, perhaps it's better to use a mutable data structure?Update: I've rewritten your program using a mutable hash table. Interestingly, the speed difference is not large, but memory usage is slightly better:
As you can see, the size of the block allocated for the hash table stays constant throughout the execution.