浮动动画“每日游戏”链接扩展至“快速 Ventrilo 连接”按钮上方甚至在子标题文本上。
有没有更好的方法来完成我想要完成的事情而不那么混乱?我现在主要使用 top: 和 padding: 来定位文本。我还尝试在 ventrilo 连接按钮上使用更高的 z 索引,将其分层在链接上方,但它似乎不起作用......
The floating animated "Game of the Day" link is extended OVER the Quick Ventrilo Connection button and even over the sub header text.
Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to accomplish that isn't so messy? I'm using mainly top: and padding: to position the text right now. I've also tried using a higher z-index on the ventrilo connect buttons to have it layered above the link, but it doesn't seem to be working...
Any help is much appreciated! Thanks for your time.
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相关地,如果我理解正确的话,为了使按钮分层在链接之上,您需要应用位置:相对或绝对以使 z 索引堆叠正常工作。
instead of padding on the game of the day link, use right or left, since you're already using absolute positioning.
in correlation, if i understand correctly, to make the buttons layered above the link, you need to apply position:relative or absolute in order to get z-index stacking to work.