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Closed 13 years ago.
我以前曾在串行闪存设备上使用过 JFFS2。它并不理想(它是为 NAND 闪存设计的,而串行闪存芯片往往是 NOR),但在我使用的平台上很容易。
I've used JFFS2 on serial flash devices before. It's not ideal (it's designed for NAND flash, whereas serial flash chips tend to be NOR), but it was easy on the platform I used.
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我以前曾在串行闪存设备上使用过 JFFS2。它并不理想(它是为 NAND 闪存设计的,而串行闪存芯片往往是 NOR),但在我使用的平台上很容易。
I've used JFFS2 on serial flash devices before. It's not ideal (it's designed for NAND flash, whereas serial flash chips tend to be NOR), but it was easy on the platform I used.