为什么跑步是“独特的”?数据帧比 R 中的矩阵更快?

发布于 2024-12-10 17:22:45 字数 1076 浏览 7 评论 0原文


a   = matrix(sample(2,10^6,replace = TRUE), ncol = 10)
b   = as.data.frame(a)

    u1 = unique(a)
 user  system elapsed
1.840   0.000   1.846

    u2 = unique(b)
 user  system elapsed
0.380   0.000   0.379


  1. 为什么矩阵的速度较慢?转换为数据帧、运行unique,然后再转换回来似乎更快。

  2. 是否有任何理由不将 unique 包装在 myUnique 中,它在第 #1 部分中进行转换?

注意 1. 鉴于矩阵是原子的,对于矩阵来说,unique 似乎应该更快,而不是更慢。能够迭代固定大小的连续内存块通常应该比运行单独的链表块更快(我假设这就是数据帧的实现方式......)。

注 2:正如 data.table 的性能所证明的,在数据​​框或矩阵上运行 unique 是一个相对糟糕的主意 - 请参阅 Matthew Dowle 的答案和相对时间的评论。我已经将很多对象迁移到数据表中,这种性能是这样做的另一个原因。因此,尽管用户应该很好地采用数据表,但出于教学/社区的原因,我暂时保留关于为什么这在矩阵对象上需要更长的时间的问题。下面的答案解决了时间都花在哪里,以及我们如何才能获得更好的性能(即数据表)。 为什么的答案就在眼前——可以通过unique.data.frameunique.matrix找到代码。 :) 关于它正在做什么的英文解释&为什么这一切都缺乏。

I've begun to believe that data frames hold no advantages over matrices, except for notational convenience. However, I noticed this oddity when running unique on matrices and data frames: it seems to run faster on a data frame.

a   = matrix(sample(2,10^6,replace = TRUE), ncol = 10)
b   = as.data.frame(a)

    u1 = unique(a)
 user  system elapsed
1.840   0.000   1.846

    u2 = unique(b)
 user  system elapsed
0.380   0.000   0.379

The timing results diverge even more substantially as the number of rows is increased. So, there are two parts to this question.

  1. Why is this slower for a matrix? It seems faster to convert to a data frame, run unique, and then convert back.

  2. Is there any reason not to just wrap unique in myUnique, which does the conversions in part #1?

Note 1. Given that a matrix is atomic, it seems that unique should be faster for a matrix, rather than slower. Being able to iterate over fixed-size, contiguous blocks of memory should generally be faster than running over separate blocks of linked lists (I assume that's how data frames are implemented...).

Note 2. As demonstrated by the performance of data.table, running unique on a data frame or a matrix is a comparatively bad idea - see the answer by Matthew Dowle and the comments for relative timings. I've migrated a lot of objects to data tables, and this performance is another reason to do so. So although users should be well served to adopt data tables, for pedagogical / community reasons I'll leave the question open for now regarding the why does this take longer on the matrix objects. The answers below address where does the time go, and how else can we get better performance (i.e. data tables). The answer to why is close at hand - the code can be found via unique.data.frame and unique.matrix. :) An English explanation of what it's doing & why is all that is lacking.

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柏拉图鍀咏恒 2024-12-17 17:22:45
  1. 在此实现中,unique.matrixunique.array


    [1] TRUE

  2. unique.array 必须处理多维数组,这需要额外的处理“折叠”二维情况下不需要的额外维度(对 paste() 的额外调用)。代码的关键部分是:

    折叠 <- (ndim > 1L) && (prod(dx[-MARGIN]) > 1L)

    temp <- if(折叠)
    apply(x, MARGIN, function(x) Paste(x,collapse = "\r"))

  3. unique.data.frame 针对 2D 情况进行了优化,unique.matrix 不是。正如您所建议的,它可能只是不在当前的实现中。

请注意,在所有具有多个维度的情况 (unique.{array,matrix,data.table}) 中,比较唯一性的是字符串表示形式。对于浮点数,这意味着 15 位十进制数字,因此

NROW(unique(a <- matrix(rep(c(1, 1+4e-15), 2), nrow = 2)))

1 while

NROW(unique(a <- 矩阵(rep(c(1, 1+5e-15), 2), nrow = 2)))

NROW(unique(a <- matrix(rep(c(1, 1+4e-15), 1), nrow = 2)))


  1. In this implementation, unique.matrix is the same as unique.array

    > identical(unique.array, unique.matrix)

    [1] TRUE

  2. unique.array has to handle multi-dimensional arrays which requires additional processing to ‘collapse’ the extra dimensions (those extra calls to paste()) which are not needed in the 2-dimensional case. The key section of code is:

    collapse <- (ndim > 1L) && (prod(dx[-MARGIN]) > 1L)

    temp <- if (collapse)
    apply(x, MARGIN, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "\r"))

  3. unique.data.frame is optimised for the 2D case, unique.matrix is not. It could be, as you suggest, it just isn't in the current implementation.

Note that in all cases (unique.{array,matrix,data.table}) where there is more than one dimension it is the string representation that is compared for uniqueness. For floating point numbers this means 15 decimal digits so

NROW(unique(a <- matrix(rep(c(1, 1+4e-15), 2), nrow = 2)))

is 1 while

NROW(unique(a <- matrix(rep(c(1, 1+5e-15), 2), nrow = 2)))


NROW(unique(a <- matrix(rep(c(1, 1+4e-15), 1), nrow = 2)))

are both 2. Are you sure unique is what you want?

2024-12-17 17:22:45
  1. 不确定,但我猜因为matrix是一个连续的向量,R首先将其复制到列向量中(如data.frame),因为paste< /code> 需要一个向量列表。请注意,两者都很慢,因为都使用 paste

  2. 也许是因为 unique.data.table 已经快了很多倍。请从 R-Forge 存储库下载升级到 v1.6.7,因为它修复了您在 这个问题data.table 不使用 paste 来执行 unique

a = 矩阵(样本(2,10^6,replace = TRUE), ncol = 10)
b = as.data.frame(a)
   2.98 0.00 2.99 
   0.99 0.00 0.99 
c = as.data.table(b)
   0.03 0.02 0.05 # 比u1快60倍,比u2快20倍
[1] 正确
  1. Not sure but I guess that because matrix is one contiguous vector, R copies it into column vectors first (like a data.frame) because paste needs a list of vectors. Note that both are slow because both use paste.

  2. Perhaps because unique.data.table is already many times faster. Please upgrade to v1.6.7 by downloading it from the R-Forge repository because that has the fix to unique you raised in this question. data.table doesn't use paste to do unique.

a = matrix(sample(2,10^6,replace = TRUE), ncol = 10)
b = as.data.frame(a)
   user  system elapsed 
   2.98    0.00    2.99 
   user  system elapsed 
   0.99    0.00    0.99 
c = as.data.table(b)
   user  system elapsed 
   0.03    0.02    0.05  # 60 times faster than u1, 20 times faster than u2
[1] TRUE
携余温的黄昏 2024-12-17 17:22:45

在尝试回答我自己的问题时,尤其是第 1 部分,我们可以通过查看 Rprof 的结果来了解时间花在哪里。我再次运行了这个,有 5M 个元素。


> summaryRprof("u1.txt")
                     self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
"paste"                   5.70    52.58       5.96     54.98
"apply"                   2.70    24.91      10.68     98.52
"FUN"                     0.86     7.93       6.82     62.92
"lapply"                  0.82     7.56       1.00      9.23
"list"                    0.30     2.77       0.30      2.77
"!"                       0.14     1.29       0.14      1.29
"c"                       0.10     0.92       0.10      0.92
"unlist"                  0.08     0.74       1.08      9.96
"aperm.default"           0.06     0.55       0.06      0.55
"is.null"                 0.06     0.55       0.06      0.55
"duplicated.default"      0.02     0.18       0.02      0.18

                     total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
"unique"                  10.84    100.00      0.00     0.00
"unique.matrix"           10.84    100.00      0.00     0.00
"apply"                   10.68     98.52      2.70    24.91
"FUN"                      6.82     62.92      0.86     7.93
"paste"                    5.96     54.98      5.70    52.58
"unlist"                   1.08      9.96      0.08     0.74
"lapply"                   1.00      9.23      0.82     7.56
"list"                     0.30      2.77      0.30     2.77
"!"                        0.14      1.29      0.14     1.29
"do.call"                  0.14      1.29      0.00     0.00
"c"                        0.10      0.92      0.10     0.92
"aperm.default"            0.06      0.55      0.06     0.55
"is.null"                  0.06      0.55      0.06     0.55
"aperm"                    0.06      0.55      0.00     0.00
"duplicated.default"       0.02      0.18      0.02     0.18

[1] 0.02

[1] 10.84


> summaryRprof("u2.txt")
                     self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
"paste"                   1.72    94.51       1.72     94.51
"[.data.frame"            0.06     3.30       1.82    100.00
"duplicated.default"      0.04     2.20       0.04      2.20

                        total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
"[.data.frame"                1.82    100.00      0.06     3.30
"["                           1.82    100.00      0.00     0.00
"unique"                      1.82    100.00      0.00     0.00
"unique.data.frame"           1.82    100.00      0.00     0.00
"duplicated"                  1.76     96.70      0.00     0.00
"duplicated.data.frame"       1.76     96.70      0.00     0.00
"paste"                       1.72     94.51      1.72    94.51
"do.call"                     1.72     94.51      0.00     0.00
"duplicated.default"          0.04      2.20      0.04     2.20

[1] 0.02

[1] 1.82

我们注意到矩阵版本在 applypaste和<代码>lapply。相比之下,数据帧版本简单运行duplicated.data.frame,大部分时间花在paste上,大概是聚合结果。


In attempting to answer my own question, especially part 1, we can see where the time is spent by looking at the results of Rprof. I ran this again, with 5M elements.

Here are the results for the first unique operation (for the matrix):

> summaryRprof("u1.txt")
                     self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
"paste"                   5.70    52.58       5.96     54.98
"apply"                   2.70    24.91      10.68     98.52
"FUN"                     0.86     7.93       6.82     62.92
"lapply"                  0.82     7.56       1.00      9.23
"list"                    0.30     2.77       0.30      2.77
"!"                       0.14     1.29       0.14      1.29
"c"                       0.10     0.92       0.10      0.92
"unlist"                  0.08     0.74       1.08      9.96
"aperm.default"           0.06     0.55       0.06      0.55
"is.null"                 0.06     0.55       0.06      0.55
"duplicated.default"      0.02     0.18       0.02      0.18

                     total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
"unique"                  10.84    100.00      0.00     0.00
"unique.matrix"           10.84    100.00      0.00     0.00
"apply"                   10.68     98.52      2.70    24.91
"FUN"                      6.82     62.92      0.86     7.93
"paste"                    5.96     54.98      5.70    52.58
"unlist"                   1.08      9.96      0.08     0.74
"lapply"                   1.00      9.23      0.82     7.56
"list"                     0.30      2.77      0.30     2.77
"!"                        0.14      1.29      0.14     1.29
"do.call"                  0.14      1.29      0.00     0.00
"c"                        0.10      0.92      0.10     0.92
"aperm.default"            0.06      0.55      0.06     0.55
"is.null"                  0.06      0.55      0.06     0.55
"aperm"                    0.06      0.55      0.00     0.00
"duplicated.default"       0.02      0.18      0.02     0.18

[1] 0.02

[1] 10.84

And for the data frame:

> summaryRprof("u2.txt")
                     self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
"paste"                   1.72    94.51       1.72     94.51
"[.data.frame"            0.06     3.30       1.82    100.00
"duplicated.default"      0.04     2.20       0.04      2.20

                        total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
"[.data.frame"                1.82    100.00      0.06     3.30
"["                           1.82    100.00      0.00     0.00
"unique"                      1.82    100.00      0.00     0.00
"unique.data.frame"           1.82    100.00      0.00     0.00
"duplicated"                  1.76     96.70      0.00     0.00
"duplicated.data.frame"       1.76     96.70      0.00     0.00
"paste"                       1.72     94.51      1.72    94.51
"do.call"                     1.72     94.51      0.00     0.00
"duplicated.default"          0.04      2.20      0.04     2.20

[1] 0.02

[1] 1.82

What we notice is that the matrix version spends a lot of time on apply, paste, and lapply. In contrast, the data frame version simple runs duplicated.data.frame and most of the time is spent in paste, presumably aggregating results.

Although this explains where the time is going, it doesn't explain why these have different implementations, nor the effects of simply changing from one object type to another.

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