我想知道其他人是否也有同样的想法。我经常发现自己在思考某个特定的片段是否不会破坏 *BSD 或 gentoo 构建。现在启动虚拟机(使用所有开发工具)、测试代码片段并返回到通常的工作流程不是很方便吗?
就在这个周末,我正在寻找安装了 texinfo
(尤其是 texi2dvi
)的 FreeBSD 映像,我最终安装了自己的副本并为接下来的 3 个版本编译了开发工具小时。而我想要的只是快速下载一个现成的 500M qemu 映像,启动它,测试我的东西,然后再次扔掉它。
现在问题:是否有类似 http://virtualboximages.com/ 或 http://www.vmware.com/appliances/ 专门针对开发人员的需求量身定制?或者更准确地说,任务是列出所有此类位置,因为必须花几个小时搜索东西与花几个小时安装东西一样糟糕。
I wonder if someone else thinks alike. Often I find myself committing things wondering whether a particular snippet doesn't break the *BSD or gentoo build. Now wouldn't it be handy to fire up a virtual machine (with all the devel tools), test the snippet and go back to your usual work flow?
Just this weekend I was on the prowl for a FreeBSD image with texinfo
(esp. texi2dvi
) installed, I ended up installing my own copy and compiling devel tools for the next 3 hours. Whereas all I wanted is to quickly download a ready 500M qemu image, fire it up, test my stuff and throw it away again.
Question now: Is there something like http://virtualboximages.com/ or http://www.vmware.com/appliances/ specifically tailored to the needs of developers? Or more precisely, the task is to list all such places, because having to search for stuff for hours is just as bad as installing stuff for hours.
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openSUSE 构建服务 (OBS) 怎么样:
它支持可编写脚本的自动构建kvm 或 xen 机器。只需注册一个免费帐户并通过 osc 命令行客户端或 Web 界面远程配置一些“包”(构建和测试)。它还支持 chroot 内的本地构建。
他们拥有所有可供使用的主要 Linux 发行版。
要拥有更多奇特的系统/架构,您需要自己在家安装这样的 OBS 服务器。在家中拥有它甚至可以让您登录构建机器以交互方式进行调试。
What about the openSUSE build service (OBS):
It supports scriptable automated builds within kvm or xen machines. Just sign up for a free account and configure some "packages" (builds and tests) remote via osc command line client or webinterface. It also supports local builds within chroot.
They have all the major Linux distros available ready to use.
To have more exotic systems/archs you would need to install such OBS server by yourself at home. Having it at home would make you even able to log in your build machines to debug interactively.