Even if you have a very large screen, reading long lines is more difficult than reading short lines.
Besides, the extra space can be used to show other informations. I work in a team that uses very long lines (120 characters) which is fine when the text editor is in full-screen mode, but the text is often truncated when other panels are open.
此外,额外的空间可以用来显示其他信息。我所在的团队使用很长的行(120 个字符),当文本编辑器处于全屏模式时这很好,但当其他面板打开时文本经常被截断。
Even if you have a very large screen, reading long lines is more difficult than reading short lines.
Besides, the extra space can be used to show other informations. I work in a team that uses very long lines (120 characters) which is fine when the text editor is in full-screen mode, but the text is often truncated when other panels are open.