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Closed 12 years ago.
您无法从 iPad 上看到它,因为它不适用于 iPad 用户; Apple 会过滤商店结果以适合每台设备。
You can't see it from the iPad because it's not available for iPad users; Apple filters the store results to be appropriate on each device.
事实上,GPS 要求和电话功能都存在于我的 plist 文件中。根据上一篇文章,AppleStore 对有关目标设备的应用程序进行了过滤。
In fact GPS requirement and telephony were present in my plist file.. and according to the previous post, AppleStore make a filter on the apps regarding targeted device.
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您无法从 iPad 上看到它,因为它不适用于 iPad 用户; Apple 会过滤商店结果以适合每台设备。
You can't see it from the iPad because it's not available for iPad users; Apple filters the store results to be appropriate on each device.
事实上,GPS 要求和电话功能都存在于我的 plist 文件中。根据上一篇文章,AppleStore 对有关目标设备的应用程序进行了过滤。
In fact GPS requirement and telephony were present in my plist file.. and according to the previous post, AppleStore make a filter on the apps regarding targeted device.