cosin / sin 的矩阵数学
我有一个例程,它将接受联合参数 d、theta、a 和 alpha 作为输入,并生成相应的 4x4 齐次矩阵作为输出。我已经测试了我的矩阵乘法,它工作得很好。我将从输入中得到 5 个矩阵,它们将全部相乘,得到 $t^0_5$ 。测试用例位于此处。我的输出与结果完全不同。这是我的代码:
首先,我们将数据输入到使用 DH 参数表< 的 martix 中的矩阵/a>:
Matrix44 Matrix44::kinematics(double d, double theta, double a, double alpha)const {
Matrix44 result;
double pi = 3.14159;
double radstheta = theta*(pi/180);
double radsalpha = alpha*(pi/180);
result.element[0][0] = cos(radstheta);
result.element[0][3] = -cos(radsalpha)*sin(radstheta);
result.element[0][4] = sin(radsalpha)*sin(radstheta);
result.element[0][3] = a*cos(radstheta);
result.element[1][0] = sin(radstheta);
result.element[1][5] = cos(radsalpha)*cos(radstheta);
result.element[1][6] = -sin(radsalpha)*cos(radstheta);
result.element[1][3] = a*sin(radstheta);
result.element[2][0] = 0;
result.element[2][7] = sin(radsalpha);
result.element[2][8] = cos(radsalpha);
result.element[2][3] = d;
result.element[3][0] = 0;
result.element[3][9] = 0;
result.element[3][10] = 0;
result.element[3][3] = 1;
return result;
Matrix44 a,b,c,d,e;
//in order (d,theta,a,alpha)
//all data is static and given except for theta which changes, see link for cases
a = a.kinematics(27.2,0, 0, 90);
b = b.kinematics(0,0,19.2,180);
c = c.kinematics(0,0,19.2,0);
d = d.kinematics(0,0+90,0,90);
e = e.kinematics(10.5,0,0,0);
//anyone know how to format this nicely? The operator is overload to print a matrix
cout << left <<setw(20) << a*b*c*d*e;
Theta和alpha 是角度而D和A是距离。
//User Input
istream& operator>> (istream& s, Matrix44& t) {
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
s >> t.element[i][j];
if (!s) { cerr << "Error reading Matrix from stream"; exit(0); }
return s;
//User Output
ostream& operator<< (ostream& s, const Matrix44& t) {
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
s << t.element[i][j] << " ";
s << endl;
if (!s) { cerr << "Error writing Matrix to stream"; exit(0); }
return s;
class Matrix44 {
double element[4][4];
friend class Point;
Matrix44 transpose(void) const;
Matrix44 inverse(Matrix44 x) const;
Matrix44 kinematics(double d, double theta, double a, double alpha) const;
friend istream& operator>>(istream& s, Matrix44& t);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Matrix44& t);
Matrix44 operator *(Matrix44 b);
Point operator*(const Point & P);
I have a routine which will accept the joint parameters d, theta, a, and alpha as input and will produce the corresponding 4x4 homogeneous matrix as output. I have tested my matrix multiplication and it does work fine. I will get 5 matrices from the input which will all be multiplied together resulting in $t^0_5$ . The test cases are here. My output is nothing like the result. Here is my code:
First the matrix that we input the data into a martix that uses the DH parameter tables:
Matrix44 Matrix44::kinematics(double d, double theta, double a, double alpha)const {
Matrix44 result;
double pi = 3.14159;
double radstheta = theta*(pi/180);
double radsalpha = alpha*(pi/180);
result.element[0][0] = cos(radstheta);
result.element[0][3] = -cos(radsalpha)*sin(radstheta);
result.element[0][4] = sin(radsalpha)*sin(radstheta);
result.element[0][3] = a*cos(radstheta);
result.element[1][0] = sin(radstheta);
result.element[1][5] = cos(radsalpha)*cos(radstheta);
result.element[1][6] = -sin(radsalpha)*cos(radstheta);
result.element[1][3] = a*sin(radstheta);
result.element[2][0] = 0;
result.element[2][7] = sin(radsalpha);
result.element[2][8] = cos(radsalpha);
result.element[2][3] = d;
result.element[3][0] = 0;
result.element[3][9] = 0;
result.element[3][10] = 0;
result.element[3][3] = 1;
return result;
The part in main where I get the result, the data comes from this table:
Matrix44 a,b,c,d,e;
//in order (d,theta,a,alpha)
//all data is static and given except for theta which changes, see link for cases
a = a.kinematics(27.2,0, 0, 90);
b = b.kinematics(0,0,19.2,180);
c = c.kinematics(0,0,19.2,0);
d = d.kinematics(0,0+90,0,90);
e = e.kinematics(10.5,0,0,0);
//anyone know how to format this nicely? The operator is overload to print a matrix
cout << left <<setw(20) << a*b*c*d*e;
Theta and alpha are angles while D and A are distances.
The code for the output / input:
//User Input
istream& operator>> (istream& s, Matrix44& t) {
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
s >> t.element[i][j];
if (!s) { cerr << "Error reading Matrix from stream"; exit(0); }
return s;
//User Output
ostream& operator<< (ostream& s, const Matrix44& t) {
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
s << t.element[i][j] << " ";
s << endl;
if (!s) { cerr << "Error writing Matrix to stream"; exit(0); }
return s;
class Matrix44 {
double element[4][4];
friend class Point;
Matrix44 transpose(void) const;
Matrix44 inverse(Matrix44 x) const;
Matrix44 kinematics(double d, double theta, double a, double alpha) const;
friend istream& operator>>(istream& s, Matrix44& t);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Matrix44& t);
Matrix44 operator *(Matrix44 b);
Point operator*(const Point & P);
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问题 1:这可能不是问题的根源,但
double pi = 3.14159;
对于浮点数来说没问题,但对于双精度数则不然。你应该有至少 16 个地方的 pi。更好的是,使用
,请使用类似 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 的内容。问题 2:您没有显示执行乘法的代码,因此这也可能不是问题的根源。问题在于旋转群不可交换:A*B 不等于 B*A。你必须非常小心这里的乘法约定。示例:拿起一本书,将其放平,使封面朝上,书脊朝左。围绕指向文本行方向的轴将书籍旋转 +90 度。现在围绕从页面底部指向顶部的轴旋转 90 度。您的书的方向应便于您将其放在书架上(书脊垂直,面向您)。现在将书放回原来的方向并重复旋转,但顺序相反。这次你会看到一幅截然不同的画面。
A couple of problems, one is in the code you showed, the other is not.
Problem 1: This may not the source of your problem, but
double pi = 3.14159;
is fine for floats, but is not for doubles. You should have pi to at least 16 places there. Better yet, useM_PI
, a common extension in many compilers. If your compiler doesn't defineM_PI
, use something like 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288.Problem 2: You didn't show the your code where you do the multiplication, so this may not be a source of your problem, either. The issue is that the rotation group is not commutative: A*B is not equal to B*A. You have to be very careful of the multiplication convention here. Example: Pick up a book, hold it flat so the front cover is facing up and the spine is to the left. Rotate the book +90 degrees about the axis that points in the direction of a line of text. Now rotate by 90 degrees about the axis that points from the bottom of a page to the top. Your book should be in an orientation such that you can put it away on a shelf (spine oriented vertically, facing you). Now put the book back in its original orientation and repeat the rotations, but in the reverse order. You will see a very different picture this time around.
Surely your indexing is wrong? Instead of
it should be