Xcode 4:“错误:未知类型名称”BOOL“;您的意思是“BOOL”吗?
我有一个在 Xcode 3.2.x 下运行良好的项目。在 Xcode 4.2 下,编译时出现以下错误:
"error: unknown type name 'BOOL'; did you mean 'BOOL'?"
我可以右键单击有问题的 BOOL
,Xcode 将跳转到 Apple 的定义。 BOOL
中定义的,因此我将其包含在我的源文件中(尽管事实上我正在使用 UIKit.h 的预编译标头)和 Foundation.h)。仍然没有喜悦 - 编译错误仍然存在。
任何关于 Xcode 4 解决方案的想法将不胜感激。 Google 提供 0 次点击。
// AppConstants.h
typedef enum { ThreadPriorityLow = NSOperationQueuePriorityLow, ThreadPriorityNormal = NSOperationQueuePriorityNormal,
ThreadPriorityHigh = NSOperationQueuePriorityHigh, ThreadPriorityDefault = ThreadPriorityNormal } ThreadPriority;
static inline BOOL IsValidThreadPriority(ThreadPriority priority)
return priority == ThreadPriorityLow || priority == ThreadPriorityNormal || priority == ThreadPriorityHigh;
编辑:在查看了 Emacs 和 HexFiend 下的源代码中的非法字符并没有找到任何字符(源代码是 8 位干净的)之后,我倾向于相信这是由于 Apple 方面的某种错误造成的。
I have a project which worked great under Xcode 3.2.x. Under Xcode 4.2, I'm getting the following error when compiling:
"error: unknown type name 'BOOL'; did you mean 'BOOL'?"
I can right click on the offending BOOL
and Xcode will jump to Apple's definition. BOOL
is defined in <objc/objc.h>
, so I included it in my source file (despite the fact that I'm using precompiled headers with UIKit.h and Foundation.h). Still no joy - the compile error persists.
Any ideas for Xcode 4 work arounds would be appreciated. Google is offering 0 hits.
EDIT: added the offending code to remove any ambiguity.
// AppConstants.h
typedef enum { ThreadPriorityLow = NSOperationQueuePriorityLow, ThreadPriorityNormal = NSOperationQueuePriorityNormal,
ThreadPriorityHigh = NSOperationQueuePriorityHigh, ThreadPriorityDefault = ThreadPriorityNormal } ThreadPriority;
static inline BOOL IsValidThreadPriority(ThreadPriority priority)
return priority == ThreadPriorityLow || priority == ThreadPriorityNormal || priority == ThreadPriorityHigh;
EDIT: after looking at the source under Emacs and HexFiend for illegal characters and finding none (source is 8-bit clean), I'm inclined to believe this is due to some kind of bug on Apple's part.
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Apple 忽略了我的 3.2.6 项目设置并决定使用 LLVM 3.0 套件而不是 GCC 4.2。以前(在 Xcode 3.2.6 下),由于我大量使用 GCC 警告和标志,我专门将项目设置为使用 GCC。
在我更改“构建设置”后 -> “编译 C/C++/目标”回到 GCC 4.2,它起作用了。
Apple Radar 10278815 已报告,LLVM Bug 11126 已报告。希望苹果能在 Xcode 5 之前修复它。
一个疯狂的猜测是您的行中出现了一个特殊字符,您可能在 XCode 3 中使用了一些特殊字符编码,并且在 XCode 4 中打开文件会触发此错误。
A wild guess is a special character that appeared on your line, you were probably using some special character encoding in XCode 3 and opening the file in XCode 4 triggers this error.
To see if this answer is correct I would recommend you
the file in your terminal and see if some wild characters are located at this specific line.Let us know if this works