我通过指定 android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden" 锁定屏幕方向,
我是否想在 onConfigurationChanged() 方法中执行任何操作???
im locking the screen orientation by specifying android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden"
im setting a text to a textview and adding it to a custom viewgroup. when changing the orientation im changing the width and height of the textview.
when Im running the application, if I have the screen in landscape, the text is in single line and if in portrait, the text is in two lines. so there is enough space to display the text in both orientations.
But when I change the orientation from Landscape to portrait, the text is not wrapping and I can see only a part. If I change the orientation from portrait to landscape, the text was getting displayed in two lines and not getting stretched.
Whether I want to do anything in onConfigurationChanged() Method????
Please help me out. Thank you.