Rails 3.1 的工作示例 +主宰即时通讯工具?
是否有任何基于发布-订阅消息系统 Juggernaut 的 Ruby on Rails 3 即时通讯应用程序的不错的示例应用程序?
- 1-1 聊天,使用将 2 个用户添加到“对话”的方法
- 保护 1-1 对话仅对其中的 2 个人可见的方法
- 基本前端实现
Are there any decent example apps for an ruby on rails 3 instant Messenger app based on any of the publish-subscribe messaging system Juggernaut?
- 1-1 chat with method of adding 2 users to a "conversation"
- Ways to protect the 1-1 conversation to only visible to those 2 persons in it
- basic frontend implementation
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Here is an example which might help you:
如果您还不知道,您可能还会对 pusher.com 感兴趣,作为“无忧”的替代方案。
唯一的缺点是其免费版本仅限每天最多 20 个连接和 100,000 条消息。
If you are not already aware of it you may also be interested in pusher.com as a 'hassle free' alternative.
The only drawbacks are that their free version is limited to a maximum of 20 connections and 100,000 messages per day.
我将使用 Faye,因为它支持直接推送。
I will be using Faye since it supports direct push.
Juggernaut still seems a very nice solution also though