Delphi 7 图像限制来自另一张图像
我正在 Delphi 7 中为学校做一个游戏项目,我似乎无法限制 JazzJackrabbit 角色的图片进入另一个被认为是障碍的图像。我们的老师说我们必须使用顶部和左侧属性来限制图像,这就是我编码的内容:
IF (imgJazz.Top < image1.Top + image1.Height) then
MessageDLG('Careful you just lost life',mtCustom,[mbOK],0);
iLife := iLife - 10;
pnlLife.Caption := IntToStr(ilife);
imgJazz.Top := 136;
imgJazz.Left := 0;
end;//For IF
I'm doing a game project for school in Delphi 7 and I can't seem to limit a picture which is a JazzJackrabbit character from entering another image which is supposed to be an obstacle. Our teacher said we have to use the Top and left properties to limit the image and this what I coded:
IF (imgJazz.Top < image1.Top + image1.Height) then
MessageDLG('Careful you just lost life',mtCustom,[mbOK],0);
iLife := iLife - 10;
pnlLife.Caption := IntToStr(ilife);
imgJazz.Top := 136;
imgJazz.Left := 0;
end;//For IF
This statment isn't working because when the image is far away from the image but inline with its Top it still says 'Careful you just lost life'.
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This is homework and as such I won't give you a full solution. I will attempt to guide you towards finding a solution yourself.
The problem is that you have only followed part of your teacher's advice.
You have only followed half of the advice presented here. Follow it all and you will solve your problem.