this will give you the related keywords, the Global Monthly searches, relevance, etc. Then compare the metrics for each keyword.
Now '/online-business-london' is probably more SEO friendly than the other options. And a more specific set of keywords is preferred than a general one because you will be targeting people that are interested in 'online business' rather than 'business' in general.
尝试使用 Google Adwords 关键字工具:
现在“/online-business-london”可能比其他选项更适合 SEO。一组更具体的关键字比一般的关键字更受青睐,因为您将针对的是对“在线业务”而不是一般“业务”感兴趣的人。
Try using the Google Adwords Keyword tool:
this will give you the related keywords, the Global Monthly searches, relevance, etc. Then compare the metrics for each keyword.
Now '/online-business-london' is probably more SEO friendly than the other options. And a more specific set of keywords is preferred than a general one because you will be targeting people that are interested in 'online business' rather than 'business' in general.
但无论如何,最好的选择应该是 /london-business/online
But anyways the best option should be /london-business/online