AutoCompletionTextView 行高调整大小
Android 开发人员您好,
我想在 AutoCompletionTextView 中显示 8 到 10 条记录。但默认情况下它只显示四条记录。如果我可以减小“行高”,则可以查看更多行。谁能告诉我如何调整下拉行的大小?
提前致谢, 杰彦。
Hi Android developers,
I want to display 8 to 10 records in my AutoCompletionTextView. But by default it shows only four records. If I can reduce the "Row height" it is possible to view more rows. Can any one tell me how to re-size the drop down row?
Thanks in Advance,
请遵循此 /hello-autocomplete.html
Follow this
here by default it is showing about 7 records, and also the auto-complete will be showing the matching characters, may be the alphabets that you have entered will be matched only for that words. I believe this is what you are looking for.