访问深度嵌套的params Rails
我正在控制器中编写一段代码,该代码应该以 00:00 的形式获取用户输入的数据,并将其转换为分钟,然后将其发送到模型。我使用的代码非常简单,只需在冒号处拆分 :duration 参数,然后将小时乘以 60,然后将分钟添加到该数字上。当我提交 for 时,当它尝试对 nil 对象执行拆分时,我收到错误。这肯定意味着我没有正确访问参数,但我对如何导航到深度嵌套参数感到困惑,并且似乎无法找到有关深度嵌套参数的任何文档。
log_entry >>
has many
workouts >>
has many
workout_times, which has :duration as an attribute
这是我的 log_entries_controller 中的代码:
def convert_duration
hours, minutes = params[:log_entry][:workout][:workout_time][:duration].split(":")
params[:log_entry][:workout][:workout_time][:duration] = (hours.to_i * 60 + minutes.to_i)
我已经尝试了所有我能想到的方法来编写参数部分,但我似乎无法正确执行。我对 Rails/编程很陌生,所以可能有一些完全明显的我遗漏的东西......
Parameters: {
"commit" => "Save",
"log_entry" => {
"date(1i)" => "2011",
"date(2i)" => "10",
"date(3i)" => "13",
"workouts_attributes" => {
"0" => {
"time_of_day" => "AM",
"summary" => "",
"workout_times_attributes" => {
"0" => {
"duration" => "2:00",
"zone" => "1",
"_destroy" => "false"
I am writing a piece of code in my controller that is suposed to take the data a user inputs in the form of 00:00 and convert that into minutes before sending it to the model. The code I am using is pretty simple, just split the :duration parameter at the colon and multiply hours by 60 and add the minutes to that number. When I submit the for I get an error when it tries to perform split on a nil object. This must mean I am not accessing the parameter correctly but I am confused as to how I would navigate to a deeply nested parameter and cant seem to find any documentation regarding deeply nested parameters.
Here is my model organization:
log_entry >>
has many
workouts >>
has many
workout_times, which has :duration as an attribute
This is the code within my log_entries_controller:
def convert_duration
hours, minutes = params[:log_entry][:workout][:workout_time][:duration].split(":")
params[:log_entry][:workout][:workout_time][:duration] = (hours.to_i * 60 + minutes.to_i)
I have tried all the ways I could think of to write the params part but I cants seem to get it right. I am pretty new to rails/programming so there might be somthing totally obvious I am missing...
Here is the log info of parameters past:
Parameters: {
"commit" => "Save",
"log_entry" => {
"date(1i)" => "2011",
"date(2i)" => "10",
"date(3i)" => "13",
"workouts_attributes" => {
"0" => {
"time_of_day" => "AM",
"summary" => "",
"workout_times_attributes" => {
"0" => {
"duration" => "2:00",
"zone" => "1",
"_destroy" => "false"
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You could just assign the parameter you want to your model like so:
Then in your convert_duration method do:
In Ruby the last statement of a method is returned, so this would return your calculated duration back to the save method which will set the duration on the workout_time object for the workout object we created from the parameters passed to the method.