阅读这个问题我刚刚了解到黑洞的存在< /code> 表技巧:基本上包括使用单个表插入数据,然后使用触发器将数据拆分到许多其他表中。
编辑: 当我看到这个例子时,我想到的眨眼是关于交易的:如果由于某种原因交易失败,你会发现带有原始数据的 blackhole
Reading to this question i've just learned the existence of the blackhole
table trick: basically consist in using a single table to insert data, and then a trigger that split the data in many other tables.
Im wondering if this could cause problems, once the developers whos working on the project are aware of that.
What are the pro and cons of this tecnique?
The blink I got in mind when I saw the example, is about transactions: if for some reason the transaction fail, you'll find the blackhole
row with the original data, for historical purpose and maybe a help with debug - but this seems to be the only +1 i can see with blackholes. Ideas?
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正如 Christian Oudard 所写,它并没有降低复杂性 - 只是将其移至真正难以调试的地方。
“副作用”在软件开发中通常是一个坏主意。触发器是副作用 - 我打算做一件事(在表中插入数据),但它实际上做了很多其他事情。现在,当我调试代码时,我也必须将所有副作用牢记在心——而且副作用本身可能会产生副作用。
大多数软件在维护上花费的时间远远多于在开发上花费的时间。将新的开发人员引入团队并解释黑洞技巧可能会增加学习曲线 - 收益可以忽略不计(在我看来)。
I don't think blackhole has any real pros.
Writing the trigger code to move data around is probably not noticably less work than writing the code to insert the data in the right place in the first place.
As Christian Oudard writes, it doesn't reduce complexity - just moves it to a place where it's really hard to debug.
On the downside:
"Side effects" are usually a bad idea in software development. Triggers are side effects - I intend to do one thing (insert data in a table), and it actually does lots of other things. Now, when I'm debugging my code, I have to keep all the side effects in my head too - and the side effects could themselves have side effects.
most software spends far more time in maintenance than it does in development. Bringing new developers into the team and explaining the black hole trick is likely to increase the learning curve - for negligible benefit (in my view).
Because triggers are side effects, and it's relatively easy to set off a huge cascade of triggers if you're not careful, I've always tried to design my databases without a reliance on triggers; where triggers are clearly the right way to go, I've only let my most experienced developers create them. The black hole trick makes triggers into a normal, regular way of working. This is a personal point of view, of course.
在 MySQL 中,
是一个 存储引擎简单地丢弃插入其中的所有数据,类似于空设备。使用此后端的原因有很多,但它们往往有点深奥:请参阅 文档 和 此处 和 此处。
答案当然是“有时这些技术是合适的,有时是不合适的”。 :) 你知道你为什么这样做吗?应用程序是否更适合此功能?抽象是否太脆弱、太漏洞、太僵化等等?
The original question that prompted yours does not get at the heart of MySQL's "blackholes."
What is a BLACKHOLE?
In MySQL-speak,
is a storage engine that simply discards all data INSERTed into it, analogous to a null device. There are a number of reasons to use this backend, but they tend to be a bit abstruse:See the docs, and here and here.
E.g., measuring the overhead of binary logging without worrying about storage engine overhead
See here.
If you don't know why you need a data sink masquerading as a table, don't use it.
What is the technique you are asking about?
The use under consideration seems to be to:
Thus the answer to the question of "evilness" or pros/cons is the same as the answer to those questions for insertable/updatable VIEWs (the common way to implement #1), trigger-based audit logging (how most people do #2) and behavioral overrides/counteractions generally (there are a number of ways to accomplish #3).
So, what is the answer?
The answer is, of course, "sometimes these techniques are appropriate and sometimes not." :) Do you know why you're doing it? Is the application a better place for this functionality? Is the abstraction too brittle, too leaky, too rigid, etc.?
This doesn't look like a good idea. If you're trying to keep the front end code simple, why not just use a stored procedure? If it's not to keep the front end code simple, I don't understand the point at all.
我个人认为触发器的使用应该仅限于日志记录和 DBA 特定的任务,并且不应包含应牢牢属于应用程序层的业务逻辑(或任何与此相关的逻辑)。似乎有很多关于数据库触发器是否邪恶的观点。我认为你的问题也属于这一类。
Funnily enough I learnt about the existence of blackholes today too.
Arguably the question here is actually a broader one i.e. whether or not business logic should be embedded in database triggers or not. In this instance the blackhole table is essentially being used as a transient data store that the trigger on the blackhole table can make use of. Should the trigger be used in the first place? To me that is the real meat of the question.
Personally I feel that the use of triggers should be restricted to logging and DBA-specific tasks only and should not contain business logic (or any logic for that matter) that should belong firmly in the application layer. It appears as though there have been quite a few opinions expressed about whether database triggers are evil or not. I think your question kinda falls into that category too.
Embedding application layer logic in database triggers can be risky.
It is likely to end up splitting business logic between application
code and the database. This can be very confusing indeed for
somebody trying to support and get their head into a code base.
If you end up with too much logic in triggers, and indeed stored procedures, you can easily end up with performance issues on your database server that could have, indeed should have been addressed by distributing the heavy duty processing tasks i.e. complex business logic among application servers and leaving the database server free for its primary purpose i.e. serving data.
Just my two bits' worth of course!
每次向表中插入一行时,很可能您正在写入硬盘驱动器的同一区域或同一页面(在 MS-SQL 世界中,我不了解 postgresql),因此该技术可能会导致争用和锁定,因为所有事务现在都在竞争写入同一个表。
Each time you insert a row into a table, the odds are that you are writing to the same area of the hard drive or the same page (in MS-SQL world, I don't know about postgresql), so this technique will likely lead to contention and locking as all transactions are now competing to write to the same table.
Also this will halve insert performance since inserts require two inserts instead of one.
And this is denormalization since there are now two copies of the data instead of one.
请不要这样做。这并没有降低复杂性,只是移动了它。这种逻辑属于应用层,您可以使用 PHP、Python 或 Ruby 等更好的语言来实现它。
Please don't do this. This doesn't reduce complexity, it just moves it around. This sort of logic belongs in the application layer, where you can use a nicer language like PHP, Python, or Ruby to implement it.
这完全破坏了关系模型的正常使用模式。不确定它是否真的会杀死正常形式,因为您仍然可以将其全部就位。它只是扰乱了数据到达目标表的方式。看起来就像维护噩梦之上的性能噩梦。例如,想象一个表有一个触发器,必须触发 1,800 多次表插入。那只会让我感到恶心。
Don't do this. The fact that it's called a trick and not a standard way of doing something says enough for me.
This totally kills the normal usage pattern of the relational model. Not sure that it actually kills normal form as you can still have that all in place. It's just messing with the way data is making it to the destination tables. Looks like a performance nightmare on top of a maintenance nightmare. Imagine one table having a trigger that has to fire for 1,800 plus table inserts for example. That just makes me feel sick.
This is a interesting parlor trick nothing more.
I would suppose that this would be quite slow, as the advantages of "bulk inserts" cannot be used.