用于添加有用的图形或按原样说明代码的 IDE 或插件?
我盯着我的代码,想着这些文字看起来多么无聊。 我看到的只是文本,没有可视化的结构。
- 背景图形,例如边缘连接循环范围的左括号和右括号的 3D 半管,嵌套在 3D 中以显示循环嵌套的深度。
- 带有箭头的连线显示 goto 语句指向的位置,并突出显示目标标签的代码部分(或在视口外进行预览)。
- 条件块可以渲染为以正颜色显示“真”代码,以负颜色显示“假”代码,将鼠标悬停在左边缘的背景上可以显示该块的条件语句的预览(附加“== true”或“== false”取决于代码上下文)。
- 类型图标显示在变量名称前面,以便您知道它们是什么类型。
- 更改方法的背景,显示平铺的锁或键,具体取决于您在方法前面键入的是 public 还是 private(如果您未能指定其中任何一个,则这是默认值的一个很好的指示符)。
I was staring at my code thinking how boring the text looks.
All I see is text, with no visualizable structure.
Visualizable structures would be awesome:
- Background graphics such as 3D half-pipes on edge connecting the opening and closing brackets of loop scopes, nested in 3D to show how deep the loops are nested.
- Wires with arrows along them showing where a goto statement points, with a code section highlight (or preview if out of viewport) of the target label.
- Conditional blocks could be rendered to show the "true" code in a positive color and the "false" code in a negative color, and mousing over the background at the left edge could reveal a preview of the condition statement for that block (appended with "== true" or "== false" depending on the code context).
- Icons for Types, that show up in front of variable names so you know what type they are.
- Change the background of the method, displaying tiled locks or keys, depending on whether you type public or private in front of the method (a nice indicator of the default if you fail to specify either).
Is there anything out there that illustrates code like this?
I don't mean analytically generated graphics representing the code or algorthmic structure in some way. Rather, I mean something that actually illustrates the editable code in place.
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