Harp, your almost there. This is how I usually set it up in D7.
Create a role called "Members"
Create a new vocabulary called "Access"
Add two terms to the "Access" vocabulary, "Public" and Members Only"
Add a new field to each content type - Admin > Structure > Content Types of type term reference. I usually use the checkbox widget but it is up to you.
Set the vocabulary to be the "Access" vocabulary you set up in step 2
Set the default to be "Public" - this is optional but it means all pages are publicly accessible unless specifically set to "Members Only"
Go to the Manage Display settings for that content type
Set the Access field to hidden
Now go to Admin > Configuration > Taxonomy access control
Go to edit access rules for anonymous users
Under "New" select members in the dropdown
Set each option in the row to "D"
Click Add
Do steps 12 to 15 for the authenticated user
Do steps 12 to 15, expect select "A" instead of "D" for the members role
Now when you select Members Only for the Access field on any node, that node will not be visible to the anonymous and authenticated users. Any user with the Members role will be able to view the node. This will also hide menu items that are directed to this node. See the taxonomy terms documentation for more help. https://drupal.org/node/31601
You need to add a new field to your content type of type 'Term Reference', then link it to the appropriate vocabulary(s). Then edit the nodes in question and choose which categories they should be part of.
Once you've done this the nodes will be linked to taxonomy terms so the TAC module should then work as expected.
现在,当您在任何节点上为“访问”字段选择“仅限成员”时,该节点对于匿名用户和经过身份验证的用户将不可见。任何具有成员角色的用户都可以查看该节点。这也将隐藏定向到该节点的菜单项。请参阅分类术语文档以获取更多帮助。 https://drupal.org/node/31601
Harp, your almost there. This is how I usually set it up in D7.
Types of type term reference. I usually use the checkbox widget but
it is up to you.
pages are publicly accessible unless specifically set to "Members
Now when you select Members Only for the Access field on any node, that node will not be visible to the anonymous and authenticated users. Any user with the Members role will be able to view the node. This will also hide menu items that are directed to this node. See the taxonomy terms documentation for more help. https://drupal.org/node/31601
完成此操作后,节点将链接到分类术语,因此 TAC 模块应该按预期工作。
You need to add a new field to your content type of type 'Term Reference', then link it to the appropriate vocabulary(s). Then edit the nodes in question and choose which categories they should be part of.
Once you've done this the nodes will be linked to taxonomy terms so the TAC module should then work as expected.