PayPal has a different transaction ID for the buyer and seller of a payment. If you compare the transaction ID in the IPN with the transaction ID with the seller's side, you'll find they are the same.
If a buyer calls in with his transaction ID and you want to automatically look up the matching PayPal transaction, use the GetTransactionDetails API.
PayPal 对于付款的买方和卖方有不同的交易 ID。如果你对比IPN中的交易ID和卖家这边的交易ID,你会发现它们是相同的。
如果买家致电并提供其交易 ID,并且您希望自动查找匹配的 PayPal 交易,请使用 GetTransactionDetails API。
PayPal has a different transaction ID for the buyer and seller of a payment. If you compare the transaction ID in the IPN with the transaction ID with the seller's side, you'll find they are the same.
If a buyer calls in with his transaction ID and you want to automatically look up the matching PayPal transaction, use the GetTransactionDetails API.