看起来最好的复杂度是线性 O(n)。
假设您需要找 35 美分的零钱。你有 1、5、10、25 枚硬币。贪心算法,编码简单,可以快速轻松地解决这个问题。首先抓取 35 中最高值的 25 美分,然后再抓取 10 美分以完成总数。这将是最好的情况。当然,也有不好的情况和这种贪心算法会出现问题的情况。我说的是确定此类问题的最佳情况复杂性。
It seems like the best complexity would be linear O(n).
Doesn't matter the case really, I'm speaking of greedy algorithms in general.
Sometimes it pays off to be greedy?
In the specific case that I am interested would be computing change.
Say you need to give 35 cents in change. You have coins of 1, 5, 10, 25. The greedy algorithm, coded simply, would solve this problem quickly and easily. First grabbing 25 cents the highest value going in 35 and then next 10 cents to complete the total. This would be best case. Of course there are bad cases and cases where this greedy algorithm would have issues. I'm talking best case complexity for determining this type of problem.
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时间复杂度;贪心算法也不例外。例如,背包问题的更自然的贪婪版本将 NP 完全问题转换为O(n^2)
的问题 - 您尝试所有项目,选择留下最少可用空间的项目其余的;然后尝试所有剩余的,再次选择最好的;等等。每一步都是O(n)
。但复杂性可以是任何东西——这取决于贪婪的难度。 (例如,像层次凝聚聚类这样的贪婪聚类算法具有O(n^2)
这些步骤。)Any algorithm that has an output of
items that must be taken individually has at bestO(n)
time complexity; greedy algorithms are no exception. A more natural greedy version of e.g. a knapsack problem converts something that is NP-complete into something that isO(n^2)
--you try all items, pick the one that leaves the least free space remaining; then try all the remaining ones, pick the best again; and so on. Each step isO(n)
. But the complexity can be anything--it depends on how hard it is to be greedy. (For example, a greedy clustering algorithm like hierarchical agglomerative clustering has individual steps that areO(n^2)
to evaluate (at least naively) and requiresO(n)
of these steps.)当您谈论贪婪算法时,通常您谈论的是算法的正确性而不是时间复杂度,尤其是对于诸如更改之类的问题。
When you're talking about greedy algorithms, typically you're talking about the correctness of the algorithm rather than the time complexity, especially for problems such as change making.
Greedy heuristics are used because they're simple. This means easy implementations for easy problems, and reasonable approximations for hard problems. In the latter case you'll find time complexities that are better than guaranteed correct algorithms. In the former case, you can't hope for better than optimal time complexity.
nlogn + n + n² = n² 在最坏的情况下......
nlogn + n + n² = n² in worst case....
now can we apply binary search instead of linear search.....?
Greedy or not has essentially nothing to do with computational complexity, other than the fact that greedy algorithms tend to be simpler than other algorithms to solve the same problem, and hence they tend to have lower complexity.