Indesign 插件的外部配置文件
我正在为 Indesign CS5 开发一个 JavaScript 插件,我希望能够从外部文件(例如 XML 文件)配置它。 是否可以?我在 Adobe 网站或网络搜索上没有找到任何内容...
I'm developing a JavaScript plugin for Indesign CS5 and I would like to be capable of configuring it from an external file (an XML one for example).
Is-it possible? I haven't found anything on Adobe website or web searches...
Thanks in advance
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从技术角度来说,当尝试通过 JavaScript 与 InDesign 交互时,它不被称为插件。 InDesign 插件是用 C++ 开发的,编译为 .InDesignPlugin 文件并在启动时加载到 InDesign 中。
关于实际问题,假设您正在引用 InDesign 脚本(.jsx 格式):是的,这是可能的。最基本的方法是使用 JavaScript File 基类来完成此操作。示例:
但是,使用这种方式解析 xml 配置文件需要相当多的工作。为此,您最好使用其他人制作的库。 jQuery 包含这方面的功能,或者您可以使用更专业的库
XML for
As a technicality, when trying to interact with InDesign via JavaScript, it's not referred to as a plugin. An InDesign plugin is developed in c++, compiled to a .InDesignPlugin file and loaded into InDesign at startup time.
On to the actual question, assuming you are refferring to an InDesign Script (.jsx format): Yes, it's possible. The most basic way is to do it using the base JavaScript File class. Example:
However, with this way it takes quite a bit of work to parse an xml config file. For this purpose you would be better off using a library that someone else made. jQuery includes functionality for this, or you could go for the more specialized library
是的,可以使用 E4X 语法解析 XML。
Yes, it's possible to parse an XML using E4X syntax.