Java EE 5 应用程序服务器中的 CDI 和 Bean 验证?
CDI 和 Bean Validation 是 Java EE 6 标准规范。不过,我可以通过将库添加到项目中来在 Java EE 5 应用程序服务器(以及 Java SE)中使用这两者。
在 Java EE 5 应用程序服务器而不是 Java EE 6 应用程序服务器中使用两者有什么缺点吗?
我必须使用 Oracle 11 g Suite 和 JDeveloper。同时,JDeveloper 支持 JSF 2.0,但我找不到任何对 Bean Validation 或 CDI 的支持。不过,这不是问题。没有 IDE 支持(用于代码生成、分步指南或其他),但我可以通过简单的 java 编辑器来使用这些库。正确的?
CDI and Bean Validation are Java EE 6 Standard Specifications. Nevertheless, I can use both within Java EE 5 Application Servers (and also within Java SE) by just adding the libraries to the project.
Is this correct?
Are there any disadvantages of using both in Java EE 5 application servers instead of Java EE 6 application servers?
I have to use the Oracle 11 g Suite and JDeveloper. In the meantime, JDeveloper supports JSF 2.0, but I cannot find any support for Bean Validation or CDI. Nevertheless, this is not a problem. There is no IDE support (for code-generation, a step-by-step-guide, or whatever), but I can use these libraries by using the simple java editor. Right?
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Java EE 6 基本上是 API 的集合。如果应用程序服务器实现了所有这些规范,则它符合 Java EE 6。但您仍然可以在兼容 Java EE 5 的应用程序服务器中使用 API。有些人甚至将 EJB 放入 Tomcat 中,因此从技术上讲这是可能的。使用兼容的 AS 仍然是有意义的,因为它还提供与规范相关的所有服务。
Java EE 6 is basically a collection of APIs. An application server is Java EE 6 compliant if it implements all those specifications. But you can still use the APIs in an Java EE 5 compliant application server. Some people even put EJBs into Tomcat, so technically that's possible. Still it makes sense to use a compliant AS, as it also provides all the services related to the specs.
缺点是版本落后。如果您决定升级到 Java EE 6(例如新导入等),您可能必须修改代码
I believe that's correct.
The disadvantage is that you're a version behind. You may have to modify your code if and when you decide to upgrade to Java EE 6 (e.g. new imports, etc.)
您可以非常轻松地将 Apache OpenWebBeans 或 JBoss Weld(选择 2 个 CDI 实现之一)添加到 WEB-INF/lib 中,并在 web.xml 中手动注册 servlet 侦听器。瞧,那么您就有了 CDI 支持!
对于 JSR-303 Bean 验证,它有点棘手,因为只有 JPA2 和 JSF2 使用它。因此,您需要将 Myfaces2 和 Hibernate-3.5、EclipseLink2 或 OpenJPA2 添加到本地 jar 并禁用容器提供的变体。
You can pretty easily add Apache OpenWebBeans or JBoss Weld (choose one of the 2 CDI implementations) to your WEB-INF/lib and register the servlet listeners in your web.xml manually. Voila, then you have CDI support!
For JSR-303 Bean Validation it's a bit more tricky, because only JPA2 and JSF2 makes use of it. So you would need to add Myfaces2 and Hibernate-3.5, EclipseLink2 or OpenJPA2 to your local jars and disable the container provided variants.