我一直在从事模拟杂货店作业,我相信它相对完成,但在编译时出现分段错误。如果您能提供一些方向或解决方案,我将不胜感激。 谢谢, 泰勒
FILE: Prog5.cc
DUE DATE: 10-5-11
USE: Contains methods defined in Prog5.h
//#include "/home/onyuksel/courses/340/progs/11f/p5/prog5.h"
#include "prog5.h"
int main()
//initialize arrival and departure time
int custArrive, custLeave = 0;
//set clock to zero
int clock = 0;
// set count to second customer
int count = 2;
// variables to track earliest next arrival and earlist next departure
int earlyAr = 0;
int earlyDept = 0;
//variable to track next event
int earlyEvent = earlyAr;
//create list of customers
list <cust> l;
//create iterator for list
list<cust>::iterator i;
//create queue for checkout line
queue <cust> q;
//create stat object to store final statistics
stat s;
//create a customer object
cust c1;
//initilize with 1st cust data
c1.atime = 0;
c1.wtime = 0;
c1.s_checkout = start_checkout(0);
c1.id = 1;
//add to list
//determine earliest next event
custArrive = arr_time(clock);
earlyEvent = custArrive;
//update clock to time of next earliest event
clock = custArrive;
//Start of Simulation*********************
// while simulation is still running
while(clock < SIM_TIME)
// if customer is arriving
if(clock == custArrive)
// create object for customer
cust c;
//fill data fields
c.id = count;
c.atime = custArrive;
c.s_checkout = start_checkout( clock );
c.wtime = 0;
l.push_back( c ); // put into list
custArrive = arr_time( clock ); // calc next arrival
i = min_element(l.begin(), l.end(), cmp); // find first to enter checkout
count++; //increment customer id number
//set earliest next arrival
earlyAr = custArrive;
// if customer has finished picking items
else if(clock == i -> s_checkout)
//create object to move cust from list to queue
cust temp;
//copy values from list item to queue item
temp.id = i -> id;
temp.atime = i -> atime;
temp.wtime = i -> wtime;
temp.s_checkout = i -> s_checkout;
//insert element into queue
//if queue is empty(this is the only element about to be in queue)
if(q.size() == 1)
//set wait time to zero
q.front().wtime = 0;
//use dept_time to obtain departure time
custLeave = dept_time(clock);
//set departure as next earliest departure
earlyDept = custLeave;
// if customer departed
//remove customer from queue
cust c = q.front();
//use dept_time and update wtime of next cust in queue
q.front().wtime = clock - q.front().s_checkout;
clock += dept_time(clock);
//update stat structure
update_fin_stat( s, c, clock );
//determine next earliest event
// if list isnt empty
if(l.size() > 0)
i = min_element(l.begin(),l.end(), cmp); //find earliest checkout time
i -> s_checkout = (1000000); //set value to above sim-time
//if arrival is less than checkout time
if(earlyAr < i -> s_checkout)
earlyEvent = earlyAr; //earliest event is arrival
//else the checkout time is less than arrival
earlyEvent = i -> s_checkout; //earliest event is checkout
//if list not empty and departure less than earliest event
if (l.size() > 0 && earlyDept < earlyEvent)
earlyEvent = earlyDept; //earliest event is departure
// Set sim clock to next earliest event time
clock = earlyEvent;
return 0;
// returns next arrival time
int arr_time (const int& clock)
int temp = ( rand()% ( MAX_INT_ARR - MIN_INT_ARR + 1 ) + MIN_INT_ARR );
temp += clock;
return temp;
// returns next departure time
int dept_time (const int& clock)
int temp = ( rand()% ( MAX_SERV - MIN_SERV + 1 ) + MIN_SERV );
temp += clock;
return temp;
// returns time to enter checkout line
int start_checkout (const int& clock)
int temp = ( rand()% ( MAX_PICK - MIN_PICK + 1 ) + MIN_PICK );
temp += clock;
return temp;
void update_fin_stat(stat& s, const cust& c, const int& clock)
//initialize variables for shop, wait, and service time
int shop = 0;
int wait = 0;
int serv = 0;
//calculate shop time, wait time, and service time
//calculate shop time
shop = c.s_checkout - c.atime; //checkout time - arrival time
//calculate wait time
wait = c.wtime;
//calculate serv time
serv = dept_time(clock) - c.wtime;
//update values in struct s
s.tot_shop += shop;
s.tot_wait += wait;
s.tot_serv += serv;
//if number departed is multiple of sample int
if(s.num_dept % SAMPLE_INT == 0)
cout << "num = " << s.num_dept << " ";
cout << "id = " << c.id << " ";
cout << "shop = " << shop << " ";
cout << "wait = " << wait << " ";
cout << "serv = " << serv << " ";
cout << endl;
bool cmp (const cust& c1, const cust& c2)
return c1.s_checkout < c2.s_checkout;
void print_fin_stat(stat& s)
//print final stats
cout << "Number of Customers" << s.num_dept << endl;
cout << "Total Sim Time " << SIM_TIME << endl;
//compute averages
s.avg_shop = s.tot_shop / s.num_dept;
s.avg_wait = s.tot_wait / s.num_dept;
s.avg_serv = s.tot_serv / s.num_dept;
//print averages
cout << "Average Shop Time" << s.avg_shop << endl;
cout << "Average Wait Time" << s.avg_wait << endl;
cout << "Average Serv Time" << s.avg_serv << endl;
I have been working on a simulation grocery store assignment and i believe its relatively finished but i get a segmentation fault when i compile. If you could provide some direction or a solution I'd be most obliged.
FILE: Prog5.cc
DUE DATE: 10-5-11
USE: Contains methods defined in Prog5.h
//#include "/home/onyuksel/courses/340/progs/11f/p5/prog5.h"
#include "prog5.h"
int main()
//initialize arrival and departure time
int custArrive, custLeave = 0;
//set clock to zero
int clock = 0;
// set count to second customer
int count = 2;
// variables to track earliest next arrival and earlist next departure
int earlyAr = 0;
int earlyDept = 0;
//variable to track next event
int earlyEvent = earlyAr;
//create list of customers
list <cust> l;
//create iterator for list
list<cust>::iterator i;
//create queue for checkout line
queue <cust> q;
//create stat object to store final statistics
stat s;
//create a customer object
cust c1;
//initilize with 1st cust data
c1.atime = 0;
c1.wtime = 0;
c1.s_checkout = start_checkout(0);
c1.id = 1;
//add to list
//determine earliest next event
custArrive = arr_time(clock);
earlyEvent = custArrive;
//update clock to time of next earliest event
clock = custArrive;
//Start of Simulation*********************
// while simulation is still running
while(clock < SIM_TIME)
// if customer is arriving
if(clock == custArrive)
// create object for customer
cust c;
//fill data fields
c.id = count;
c.atime = custArrive;
c.s_checkout = start_checkout( clock );
c.wtime = 0;
l.push_back( c ); // put into list
custArrive = arr_time( clock ); // calc next arrival
i = min_element(l.begin(), l.end(), cmp); // find first to enter checkout
count++; //increment customer id number
//set earliest next arrival
earlyAr = custArrive;
// if customer has finished picking items
else if(clock == i -> s_checkout)
//create object to move cust from list to queue
cust temp;
//copy values from list item to queue item
temp.id = i -> id;
temp.atime = i -> atime;
temp.wtime = i -> wtime;
temp.s_checkout = i -> s_checkout;
//insert element into queue
//if queue is empty(this is the only element about to be in queue)
if(q.size() == 1)
//set wait time to zero
q.front().wtime = 0;
//use dept_time to obtain departure time
custLeave = dept_time(clock);
//set departure as next earliest departure
earlyDept = custLeave;
// if customer departed
//remove customer from queue
cust c = q.front();
//use dept_time and update wtime of next cust in queue
q.front().wtime = clock - q.front().s_checkout;
clock += dept_time(clock);
//update stat structure
update_fin_stat( s, c, clock );
//determine next earliest event
// if list isnt empty
if(l.size() > 0)
i = min_element(l.begin(),l.end(), cmp); //find earliest checkout time
i -> s_checkout = (1000000); //set value to above sim-time
//if arrival is less than checkout time
if(earlyAr < i -> s_checkout)
earlyEvent = earlyAr; //earliest event is arrival
//else the checkout time is less than arrival
earlyEvent = i -> s_checkout; //earliest event is checkout
//if list not empty and departure less than earliest event
if (l.size() > 0 && earlyDept < earlyEvent)
earlyEvent = earlyDept; //earliest event is departure
// Set sim clock to next earliest event time
clock = earlyEvent;
return 0;
// returns next arrival time
int arr_time (const int& clock)
int temp = ( rand()% ( MAX_INT_ARR - MIN_INT_ARR + 1 ) + MIN_INT_ARR );
temp += clock;
return temp;
// returns next departure time
int dept_time (const int& clock)
int temp = ( rand()% ( MAX_SERV - MIN_SERV + 1 ) + MIN_SERV );
temp += clock;
return temp;
// returns time to enter checkout line
int start_checkout (const int& clock)
int temp = ( rand()% ( MAX_PICK - MIN_PICK + 1 ) + MIN_PICK );
temp += clock;
return temp;
void update_fin_stat(stat& s, const cust& c, const int& clock)
//initialize variables for shop, wait, and service time
int shop = 0;
int wait = 0;
int serv = 0;
//calculate shop time, wait time, and service time
//calculate shop time
shop = c.s_checkout - c.atime; //checkout time - arrival time
//calculate wait time
wait = c.wtime;
//calculate serv time
serv = dept_time(clock) - c.wtime;
//update values in struct s
s.tot_shop += shop;
s.tot_wait += wait;
s.tot_serv += serv;
//if number departed is multiple of sample int
if(s.num_dept % SAMPLE_INT == 0)
cout << "num = " << s.num_dept << " ";
cout << "id = " << c.id << " ";
cout << "shop = " << shop << " ";
cout << "wait = " << wait << " ";
cout << "serv = " << serv << " ";
cout << endl;
bool cmp (const cust& c1, const cust& c2)
return c1.s_checkout < c2.s_checkout;
void print_fin_stat(stat& s)
//print final stats
cout << "Number of Customers" << s.num_dept << endl;
cout << "Total Sim Time " << SIM_TIME << endl;
//compute averages
s.avg_shop = s.tot_shop / s.num_dept;
s.avg_wait = s.tot_wait / s.num_dept;
s.avg_serv = s.tot_serv / s.num_dept;
//print averages
cout << "Average Shop Time" << s.avg_shop << endl;
cout << "Average Wait Time" << s.avg_wait << endl;
cout << "Average Serv Time" << s.avg_serv << endl;
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当指向 null、未分配内存或只读内存的指针、引用或迭代器被取消引用时,通常会发生分段错误。最有可能的是,您的
list::iterator i
在未初始化的情况下被取消引用。使用 -g 选项进行编译并在调试器中运行程序(例如
gdb progname
)应该可以找到发生无效取消引用的代码行。然后,您必须查看较早的执行,以找到应该将迭代器设置为指向有效内存的位置。Segmentation faults generally occur when a pointer, reference, or iterator which is pointing to null, unallocated memory, or read-only memory is dereferenced. Most likely, your
list<cust>::iterator i
is being dereferenced without being initialized.Compiling with the -g option and running the program in the debugger (e.g.
gdb progname
) should get you the line of your code in which the invalid dereference occurs. You must then look to earlier execution to find where the iterator should be set to point at valid memory.