我们正在考虑从 zimbra 6 升级到 zimbra 7,并且希望避免我们编写的与其集成的帐户生命周期软件出现回归。由于大多数内容都是由 WSDL 文件记录的,因此我们考虑仅使用它来进行测试。
我想知道的是,有没有办法使用 API 定义和两个目标服务器来填充测试套件?
We're looking at an upgrade from zimbra 6 to zimbra 7, and we want to avoid regressions in the account lifecycle software we wrote to integrate with it. Since most things are documented by a WSDL file, we were thinking of just using that to test.
What I'm wondering is, is there a way to use an API definition and two target servers to populate a test suite?
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查看 SoapUI。它是一个开源产品,可以基于 WSDL 进行一些自动化测试。
Take a look at SoapUI. It is an open source product that can do some automated testing based on a WSDL.
我用过SoapUI 广泛使用,但事实并非如此对于代码生成相关的测试非常灵活。然而,创建一次测试,参数化它们并通过将soapui项目签入版本控制来维护加班是超级棒的
I am using a combination of the below three tools to solve the kind of problem you have mentioned
I've used soapUI extensively but it is not very flexible for code gen related tests. It is however super to create the tests once, parameterize them and maintain overtime by checking in the soapui project to version control