An associate of mine has produced Comfortable Mexican Sofa which supports multiple versions of pages in multiple languages. It compares well to Refinery in terms of features.
Most systems will do it if you can have different layouts for each language.
是的,使用 RefineryCMS 以及 gem refinerycms-i18n,它将为您提供所需的国际化选项。
其他 cms 替代方案:
Yes, use RefineryCMS, with the gem refinerycms-i18n, which will offer you the needed internationalization options.
Other cms alternatives:
尽管 @tadman 回答成功,但要注意社区支持:
Sofa:github 上有 390 位关注者
炼油厂 在这里签名,即使没有真相……
Of course, use Refinery, it's straight.
In spite of @tadman answers success, beware of community support:
Sofa: 390 followers on github
Refinery: 1728.
There is a sign here, even if there is no truth...
我的一位同事制作了舒适的墨西哥Sofa,支持多种语言的多个版本的页面。就功能而言,它与 Refinery 相当。
An associate of mine has produced Comfortable Mexican Sofa which supports multiple versions of pages in multiple languages. It compares well to Refinery in terms of features.
Most systems will do it if you can have different layouts for each language.