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Closed 3 days ago.
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对我来说,选择是 djangoappengine。
它是 django 项目的一个分支,专为 Google App Engine 和 MongoDB 等非 SQL 数据库而设计。它的主要好处是您可以利用 django 项目中所有很酷的东西,同时还可以在 GAE 的可扩展架构上运行。另一个好处是,使用 djangoappengine,您可以比直接使用 App Engine 更轻松地脱离 App Engine(尽管这可能说起来容易做起来难)。
有传言称 Django 会将这些更改合并到主线 Django 项目中,但尚未发生(截至 2014 年 5 月)。
UPDATE: This answer is now out of date.
For me the choice is djangoappengine.
It's a fork of the django project made specifically for no-sql databases like Google App Engine and MongoDB. The main benefit of it is that you get to piggy-back on all the cool stuff coming out of the django project, while also running on GAE's scalable architecture. Another benefit is that with djangoappengine, you can more easily move off of App Engine than if you used their API directly (although that is probably easier said than done).
There were rumors that Django would merge the changes into the mainline Django project, but it has not happened yet (as of May 2014).
Some relevant links:
我个人很喜欢使用以下模板在 App Engine 上使用 Flask:
I personally have enjoyed using Flask on App Engine using this template:
The code is organized pretty well in this template and it includes many of the nice development features like profiling and app stats.
Pyramid Python框架
。有很多优秀的公司使用这个框架。您可以在其网站上找到有关将其部署到 appengine 的过程的说明: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_cookbook/en/latest/deployment/gae_buildout.html 该过程使用构建还包括本地测试环境。
If you want to build large scale application and need a more flexible framework, then you can take a look at
Pyramid Python Framework
Previously it was called
. There are lot of good companies using this framework.You can find instructions for the process of deploying it to appengine on their website: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_cookbook/en/latest/deployment/gae_buildout.html The process uses buildout and also includes a local testing environment.
I'm very happy with this boilerplate:
Take a look at its functions and features, it's very complete!
阅读 Tom Willis 对问题的评论以及 这个问题的接受的答案我注意到webapp/webapp2看起来很有希望。
(Note that this answer is old and no longer valid.)
After reading Tom Willis' comment on the question and also this SO question's accepted answer I noticed that webapp/webapp2 looks promising.
我编写了 GAEStarterKit,旨在让您尽快上手。它与 GAE-Boilerplate 或 gae-init 等项目类似,但有一些关键区别:
I wrote GAEStarterKit, which aims to get you up to speed as quickly as possible. It's in a similar vain to projects like GAE-Boilerplate or gae-init, but a few key differences:
Might be worth considering.
专门为 GAE 编写的 。总的来说,我喜欢 Django,但不喜欢 gae,我觉得使用 django-nonrel 仍然需要太多警告,因此不值得。
I am enjoying
which was written specifically for GAE. I love Django in general, but not for gae, I felt using django-nonrel still requires too many caveats that it is not worth it.