Excel 与 asp.net 的问题
我需要从客户端位置读取 Excel 文件,进行一些修改并将其返回。我可以读取文件并进行修改,但如何返回它?
I am writing a client-side script.
I need to read an Excel file from the client location, do some modifications and return it. I can read the file and do the modification but how do I return it?
I also have to consider the performance of the website.
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“返回”是指将其保存回客户端位置吗?如果不是不可能的话,这将是很困难的,除非您以某种方式通过一些可怕的 ActiveX 控件或类似控件拥有对其文件系统的写入权限。
相反,您应该使用 Excel MIME 类型提供文件并让用户将其保存到该位置。
查看这些答案以获取更多信息:设置 Excel 文档的 mime 类型
By "return it", do you mean save it back to the Client location? That's going to be hard if not impossible unless you somehow have write permissions to their filesystem via some horrid ActiveX control or similar.
Instead, you should serve the file using the Excel MIME type and let the user save it to the location.
Take a look at these answers for more info: Setting mime type for excel document