类型错误:参数 1 必须是 ImagingCore,而不是 ImagingCore
在 Windows 下我收到此错误。如何修复PIL?
这是错误:TypeError:参数 1 必须是 ImagingCore,而不是 ImagingCore
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PIL import Image, ImageFont
import ImageDraw, StringIO, string
from random import *
from math import *
import os
SITE_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))
class Captcha3d(object):
_hypot = 4
_xx, _yy = 35, 70
_CIMAGE = None
_CHARS = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
_TEXT = ''
def __init__(self):
self._CIMAGE = Image.new("RGB", (self._yy * self._hypot, self._xx * self._hypot), (255,255,255))
def imageColorAllocate(self, r,g,b):
hexchars = "0123456789ABCDEF"
hexcolor = hexchars[r / 16] + hexchars[r % 16] + hexchars[g / 16] + hexchars[g % 16] + hexchars[b / 16] + hexchars[b % 16]
return int(hexcolor, 16)
def generateCode(self):
chars = self._CHARS
self._TEXT = "".join(choice(chars) for x in range(randint(3, 3)))
def getText(self):
return self._TEXT
def getProection(self, x1,y1,z1):
x = x1 * self._hypot
y = z1 * self._hypot
z = -y1 * self._hypot
xx = 0.707106781187
xy = 0
xz = -0.707106781187
yx = 0.408248290464
yy = 0.816496580928
yz = 0.408248290464 # 1/sqrt(6)
cx = xx*x + xy*y + xz*z
cy = yx*x + yy*y + yz*z + 20*self._hypot
return [cx, cy]
def zFunction(self, x,y):
z = 2.6
if self._CIMAGE.getpixel((y/2,x/2)) == (0,0,0):
z = 0
if z != 0:
z += float(randint(0,60))/100
z += 1.4 * sin((x+self.startX)*pi/15) * sin((y+self.startY)*pi/15)
return z
def render(self):
fontSans = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(SITE_PATH, "data", "fonts", "FreeSans.ttf"), 14)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self._CIMAGE)
whiteColor = 'white'
draw.rectangle([0, 0, self._yy * self._hypot, self._xx * self._hypot], fill=whiteColor)
#textColor = 'black'
#imgtext = Image.open("i8n.png")
#self._CIMAGE.paste(imgtext, (0,0))
imgtext = Image.new("1", (self._yy * self._hypot, self._xx * self._hypot), (1))
drawtext = ImageDraw.Draw(imgtext)
drawtext.text((1,0), self._TEXT, font=fontSans, fill=0)
self._CIMAGE.paste(imgtext, (0,0))
#draw.text((2,0), self.text, font=fontSans, fill=textColor)
self.startX = randint(0,self._xx)
self.startY = randint(0,self._yy)
crd = {}
x = 0
while x < (self._xx+1):
y = 0
while y < (self._yy+1):
crd[str(x) + '&' + str(y)] = self.getProection(x,y,self.zFunction(x,y))
y += 1
x += 1
x = 0
while x < self._xx:
y = 0
while y < self._yy:
coord = []
coord.append((int(crd[str(x) + '&' + str(y)][0]),int(crd[str(x) + '&' + str(y)][1])))
coord.append((int(crd[str(x+1) + '&' + str(y)][0]),int(crd[str(x+1) + '&' + str(y)][1])))
coord.append((int(crd[str(x+1) + '&' + str(y+1)][0]),int(crd[str(x+1) + '&' + str(y+1)][1])))
coord.append((int(crd[str(x) + '&' + str(y+1)][0]),int(crd[str(x) + '&' + str(y+1)][1])))
c = int(self.zFunction(x,y)*32)
linesColor = (c,c,c)
draw.polygon(coord, fill=whiteColor, outline=linesColor)
#draw.polygon(coord, fill=whiteColor)
y += 1
x += 1
draw.rectangle([0, 0, self._xx, self._yy], fill=whiteColor)
#draw.text((2,0), self.text, font=fontSans, fill=textColor)
#imageString($this->image, 1, 3, 0, (microtime(true)-$this->time), $textColor);
del draw
#self._CIMAGE.save("image.png", "PNG")
return [self._CIMAGE, self._TEXT]
def main():
a = Captcha3d()
print a.getText()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Under the Windows I get this error. How to fix PIL?
This is error: TypeError: argument 1 must be ImagingCore, not ImagingCore
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PIL import Image, ImageFont
import ImageDraw, StringIO, string
from random import *
from math import *
import os
SITE_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))
class Captcha3d(object):
_hypot = 4
_xx, _yy = 35, 70
_CIMAGE = None
_CHARS = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
_TEXT = ''
def __init__(self):
self._CIMAGE = Image.new("RGB", (self._yy * self._hypot, self._xx * self._hypot), (255,255,255))
def imageColorAllocate(self, r,g,b):
hexchars = "0123456789ABCDEF"
hexcolor = hexchars[r / 16] + hexchars[r % 16] + hexchars[g / 16] + hexchars[g % 16] + hexchars[b / 16] + hexchars[b % 16]
return int(hexcolor, 16)
def generateCode(self):
chars = self._CHARS
self._TEXT = "".join(choice(chars) for x in range(randint(3, 3)))
def getText(self):
return self._TEXT
def getProection(self, x1,y1,z1):
x = x1 * self._hypot
y = z1 * self._hypot
z = -y1 * self._hypot
xx = 0.707106781187
xy = 0
xz = -0.707106781187
yx = 0.408248290464
yy = 0.816496580928
yz = 0.408248290464 # 1/sqrt(6)
cx = xx*x + xy*y + xz*z
cy = yx*x + yy*y + yz*z + 20*self._hypot
return [cx, cy]
def zFunction(self, x,y):
z = 2.6
if self._CIMAGE.getpixel((y/2,x/2)) == (0,0,0):
z = 0
if z != 0:
z += float(randint(0,60))/100
z += 1.4 * sin((x+self.startX)*pi/15) * sin((y+self.startY)*pi/15)
return z
def render(self):
fontSans = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(SITE_PATH, "data", "fonts", "FreeSans.ttf"), 14)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self._CIMAGE)
whiteColor = 'white'
draw.rectangle([0, 0, self._yy * self._hypot, self._xx * self._hypot], fill=whiteColor)
#textColor = 'black'
#imgtext = Image.open("i8n.png")
#self._CIMAGE.paste(imgtext, (0,0))
imgtext = Image.new("1", (self._yy * self._hypot, self._xx * self._hypot), (1))
drawtext = ImageDraw.Draw(imgtext)
drawtext.text((1,0), self._TEXT, font=fontSans, fill=0)
self._CIMAGE.paste(imgtext, (0,0))
#draw.text((2,0), self.text, font=fontSans, fill=textColor)
self.startX = randint(0,self._xx)
self.startY = randint(0,self._yy)
crd = {}
x = 0
while x < (self._xx+1):
y = 0
while y < (self._yy+1):
crd[str(x) + '&' + str(y)] = self.getProection(x,y,self.zFunction(x,y))
y += 1
x += 1
x = 0
while x < self._xx:
y = 0
while y < self._yy:
coord = []
coord.append((int(crd[str(x) + '&' + str(y)][0]),int(crd[str(x) + '&' + str(y)][1])))
coord.append((int(crd[str(x+1) + '&' + str(y)][0]),int(crd[str(x+1) + '&' + str(y)][1])))
coord.append((int(crd[str(x+1) + '&' + str(y+1)][0]),int(crd[str(x+1) + '&' + str(y+1)][1])))
coord.append((int(crd[str(x) + '&' + str(y+1)][0]),int(crd[str(x) + '&' + str(y+1)][1])))
c = int(self.zFunction(x,y)*32)
linesColor = (c,c,c)
draw.polygon(coord, fill=whiteColor, outline=linesColor)
#draw.polygon(coord, fill=whiteColor)
y += 1
x += 1
draw.rectangle([0, 0, self._xx, self._yy], fill=whiteColor)
#draw.text((2,0), self.text, font=fontSans, fill=textColor)
#imageString($this->image, 1, 3, 0, (microtime(true)-$this->time), $textColor);
del draw
#self._CIMAGE.save("image.png", "PNG")
return [self._CIMAGE, self._TEXT]
def main():
a = Captcha3d()
print a.getText()
if __name__ == '__main__':
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
我在 OSX 10.6.8、Python 2.6.5 上也会发生这种情况。我认为某些类被动态导入两次。
Also happens for me on OSX 10.6.8, Python 2.6.5. I think some class is getting dynamically imported twice.
Try changing
That worked for me.
就我而言,它解决了从 PIL 导入 ImageDraw 的情况
In my case it solved the situation to also import ImageDraw from PIL
直接从 PIL 导入所有 PIL 东西应该总是可行的。
这可能会导致两个不同的 PIL 库之间发生冲突。
如果您同时安装了 PIL 和 Pillow,则可能会发生这种情况。
importing all PIL things directly from PIL should always work.
However, if you mix imports, as such,
This can lead to conflict between two un-identical PIL libraries.
This can happen if you have installed both PIL and Pillow
We should really always do,
I.e. be specific about which package to use.