LWJGL 的自己的 Wiki 在首页上有相当不错的系列教程。请注意,创建实际的图形资源(包括模型和纹理)与“仅”围绕游戏引擎对游戏进行编程是完全不同的事情。
LWJGL's own Wiki has pretty good series of tutorials right on the front page. Note that creating actual graphics assets, both models and textures is a whole different thing than "just" progamming the game around a game engine.
You might want to take a look at jMonkeyEngine - It's built on top of LWJGL but contains a lot more higher level "game engine" features that could be helpful in constructing a 3D world.
LWJGL is much more low level - so it's great if you just want direct, fast access to OpenGL functionality, but you will have to pretty much build your game engine yourself.
关于使用 OpenGL3 的优秀现代教程。
编辑: 新链接。
编辑: Java 特定教程(但 OpenGL2)
An excellent modern tutorial on using OpenGL3.
EDIT: New link.
EDIT: Java specific tutorials (but OpenGL2)
LWJGL 的自己的 Wiki 在首页上有相当不错的系列教程。请注意,创建实际的图形资源(包括模型和纹理)与“仅”围绕游戏引擎对游戏进行编程是完全不同的事情。
LWJGL's own Wiki has pretty good series of tutorials right on the front page. Note that creating actual graphics assets, both models and textures is a whole different thing than "just" progamming the game around a game engine.
关于现代 lwjgl 3D 引擎的精彩 YouTube 系列:
Great YouTube series on modern lwjgl 3D Engine:
您可能想看看 jMonkeyEngine - 它构建在 LWJGL 之上,但包含更多更高级别的“游戏引擎” “有助于构建 3D 世界的功能。
LWJGL 的级别要低得多 - 因此,如果您只想直接、快速访问 OpenGL 功能,那么它非常好,但您必须自己构建游戏引擎。
You might want to take a look at jMonkeyEngine - It's built on top of LWJGL but contains a lot more higher level "game engine" features that could be helpful in constructing a 3D world.
LWJGL is much more low level - so it's great if you just want direct, fast access to OpenGL functionality, but you will have to pretty much build your game engine yourself.