Yahoo! have recently created Pure (source available on GitHub).
Pure provides:
A CSS Foundation built upon Normalize.css so that cross-browser issues are minimised.
Styling of common UI components such as lists, menus, buttons, forms and tables.
A comprehensive responsive grid system for building a site for all devices.
It is very lightweight with a total footprint of 4.4KB minified and gzipped compared to Bootstrap's 20KB. It is accessible from a CDN that Yahoo! provides.
It has been created with the viewpoint that creating new CSS rules is preferred to overwriting/altering existing ones. Therefore it is shipped with minimal styles out of the box (hence the size) - you have to create your own.
Selection of any UI framework depends on the related technology stack. I use Semantic-UI ( with AngularJS. Believe me, they are made for each other!
Semantic-UI gives good support for responsive web design and mobile components.
html5boilerplate 是我最喜欢的工具包
html5boilerplate is my favoured toolkit
雅虎!最近创建了 Pure (源代码位于 GitHub >)。
Pure 提供:
它非常轻量,与 Bootstrap 的 20KB 相比,压缩和压缩后的总占用空间为 4.4KB。可以通过 Yahoo! 的 CDN 访问它。提供。
创建它的观点是创建新的 CSS 规则优于覆盖/更改现有规则。因此,它在出厂时就带有最小的样式(因此尺寸) - 您必须创建自己的样式。
Yahoo! have recently created Pure (source available on GitHub).
Pure provides:
It is very lightweight with a total footprint of 4.4KB minified and gzipped compared to Bootstrap's 20KB. It is accessible from a CDN that Yahoo! provides.
It has been created with the viewpoint that creating new CSS rules is preferred to overwriting/altering existing ones. Therefore it is shipped with minimal styles out of the box (hence the size) - you have to create your own.
Semantic UI 真的很棒,如果你喜欢 bootstrap,你应该更喜欢它!
Semantic UI is really great, if you liked bootstrap, you should like it even more!
我想您会发现 Zurb Foundation 也非常好
I think you will find Zurb Foundation to be very good as well
以下是您可能喜欢使用的 CSS 框架列表...
Here's a list of CSS frameworks which you may enjoy working with...
Blueprint 也是流行的 CSS 框架之一。
Blueprint is one of the popular CSS frameworks also.
如果您只需要一个好的 CSS 框架,YAML 也是一个不错的选择。
If a good CSS framework is all you need, YAML is a great alternative too.
尝试使用 骨骼 作为另一种选择。
Try skeleton as another alternative.
任何 UI 框架的选择都取决于相关的技术堆栈。我将 Semantic-UI ( 与 AngularJS 一起使用。相信我,他们是天生的一对!
Semantic-UI 为响应式网页设计和移动组件提供了良好的支持。
Selection of any UI framework depends on the related technology stack. I use Semantic-UI ( with AngularJS. Believe me, they are made for each other!
Semantic-UI gives good support for responsive web design and mobile components.
还有另一个类似于 bootstrap twitter ,尝试 HTMLKickStart
there is another one similar to bootstrap twitter , try HTMLKickStart
请参阅免费且极其精简的 Litestrap CSS 工具包:
与Bootstrap 但只有网格(脚手架)。
See free and extremely liteweight Litestrap CSS toolkit:
The same as Bootstrap but only the grid (scaffolding).
看一下 Mobiscroll 表单。
If you are looking for something that:
Take a look at Mobiscroll Forms.