这听起来很疯狂,但我开始了一个数据密集型项目[收集在线商店库存],后来变得非常大。我目前有大约 2000 个用户,每个用户大约有 100 个表。所以本质上,我创建了这个系统,以便每个用户都有自己的 mysql 数据库并将其托管在专用服务器上。问题是,服务器变得非常慢并且由于压力和连接而中断。有没有可以用来优化数据库的工具?或者我应该重新设计为只有 1 个数据库,这意味着重新设计整个系统?我需要建议和帮助
It sounds crazy, but i started a data intensive project[collecting online store inventories] which later grew to be very big. I currently have about 2000 users and each user has about 100 tables. So in essence, i created the system so that each user had his own mysql database and hosted it on a dedicated server. The problem is, the server becomes very slow and breaks due to the pressure and connections. Is there a tool i can use to optimize the db? or i should redesign to only 1 database, which will mean redesigning the whole system? I need an advice and help
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一个系统有 4000 个数据库?! Wowzer,谷歌是你发明的吗?
我肯定会说,您需要重新设计该设置 - 除非您的“系统”实际上是数据库托管,并且当然每个用户都为私有数据库付费。
拥有多个离散数据库并没有什么问题,但每个用户 2 个数据库是错误的方法。
您提到每个人也都有一个专用服务器 - 这应该可以防止其他用户出现争用问题。您确定它不是共享托管吗?
4000 databases for one system?! Wowzer, did you invent Google?
I'd definitely say that you need to redesign that setup - unless your 'system' is actually database hosting and each user has paid for a private db, of course.
Nothing wrong with having multiple discrete databases, but 2-per-user is the wrong approach.
The 'right' approach will depend entirely on what your system is meant to do.
You mention everyone has a dedicated server too - this should prevent contention issues for other users. Are you sure it's not shared hosting?
Nine times out of ten, when someone structures an application database this way (segmenting identical data into different databases, or even into different tables) it's a mistake based on an unnecessary attempt to pre-optimize the system.
But without more information we cannot tell whether:
This is one one of the nine times it's a mistake, or the tenth time, when it's an appropriate design.
Whether the number of connections is what's causing the performance problems you see (which would be solved by switching to a single database) or something else.