I am trying to perform some SEO on a pagination control I have on a website.
Following the Google guidelines, I would like to add link rel=next/prev i.e. <link href="/search/results?page=2" rel="next" /> to the <head> of my search results page.
So my question is - can I replicate the aforementioned functionality by adding a "Link" HTTP header, i.e. Link: <http://www.example.com/search/results?page=2>; rel="next" to the response and therefore not have to add the <link> tags in the <head>?
这是 Maile Ohye 的回答。
This was answered by Maile Ohye.
参考 Google 员工的此帖子 Google 支持 HTTP 标头中的 rel=prev/next
Referring to this post from a Google employee rel=prev/next in the HTTP header is supported by Google
目前,我很确定他们不支持这一点,因为他们也不支持在锚点上具有 rel 属性。
At the moment, I'm pretty sure they aren't supporting that, as they aren't support having the rel attribute on the anchor either.