如何在仅实现apk文件的android中使用robotium中的solo abject获取地图视图缩放级别
我正在使用robotium来测试一个android apk文件。这个apk文件实现了robotium测试用例。在mapview中,一个按钮是内置按钮放大和缩小按钮我想获取某个阶段的地图视图缩放级别。我不知道如何通过在 Robotium 中使用独奏来实现这一点。
I am working on robotium to test an android apk file.this apk file implementing robotium testcases .in mapview one button is inbuild buttons zoom in and zoom out buttons I would like to get the map view zoom level of certain stage. I don't know how to get with that by using solo in robotium.
use solo.clickOnButton(0) its working fine in this function repeat multiple times