如果我想检测设备上的连续运动检测,例如 10 秒的运动。这是怎么做到的?当我使用加速度计委托方法时,它不断被调用并且很难处理时间计算。
How does one detect the amount of time the device has detected motion on the accelerometer?
If I wanted to detect continuous motion detection on the device such as 10 seconds of motion. How is this done? When I use the accelerometer delegate method, it keeps being called and is difficult to handle the time calculation.
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正如所评论的,加速度计提供加速度值而不是速度 - 因此您必须对传入值进行积分。请注意:
- 地球引力始终存在
- 有很多噪音(手机内置的加速计芯片非常便宜、蹩脚且
售价 10 美元一桶)
As commented, accelerometer delivers acceleration values and not speed - so you will have to integrate over incoming values. Bu bevare of:
- earth gravity is always there
- there is a lot of noise (accelerometer chips built in phones are really cheap, crappy and
sell for 10$ a bucket)