是否可以在 VS2010 中对单个文件运行 stylecop?
我尝试过寻找命令行选项等。我试图缩短等待查看构建是否由于 stylecop 失败的时间。
此选项不会出现在任何上下文菜单或工具菜单中: 是否可以在项目中仅对 1 个文件运行 StyleCop?
I've tried looking for command line options etc. I'm trying to lower the time I have to wait to see if a build fails due to stylecop.
This option does not appear in any context menus or the tools menu: Is it possible to run StyleCop on just 1 file in a project?
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以下上下文菜单应包含用于运行 StyleCop 的命令:
顺便问一下,您使用哪个 StyleCop 版本?
The following context menus should contain commands for running StyleCop:
By the way, which StyleCop version do you use?
Have you considered any issues about wrong installation?