我想使用回溯来搜索长字符串中的所有子字符串,允许可变长度匹配 - 即允许最大给定数量的不匹配、插入和删除的匹配。我无法找到任何有用的例子。我发现的最接近的是这篇论文这里,但那是非常复杂。有人吗?
I would like to use backtracking to search for all substrings in a long string allowing for variable length matches - that is matches allowing for a maximum given number of mismatches, insertions, and deletions. I have not been able to locate any useful examples. The closest I have found is this paper here, but that is terribly complex. Anyone?
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我将从 Levenshtein 距离 算法开始,这是通过不匹配检查字符串相似性时的标准方法,插入和删除。
I would start with Levenshtein's distance algorithm, which is the standard approach when checking for string similarities via mismatch, insertion and deletion.
Since the algorithm uses bottom up dynamic programming, you'll probably be able to find all substrings without having to execute the algorithm for each potential substring.
我所知道的最好的算法是 A Fast Bit-基于动态规划的近似字符串匹配向量算法,作者:Gene Myers。给定要搜索的长度为 n 的文本、要搜索的长度为 m 的模式字符串以及最大不匹配/插入/删除次数 k,该算法需要时间 O(mn/w),其中 w 是计算机的字大小 (32或 64)。如果您对字符串算法了解很多,那么存在一种与 k 无关的时间算法实际上是相当令人难以置信的——在很长一段时间内,这似乎是一个不可能的目标。
可能正是您所需要的。它使用了一种较早的算法,需要时间 O(mnk/w),但对于低 k 来说它已经足够快了——在最坏的情况下比回溯搜索领先几英里。agrep
基于Shift-Or(或“Bitap”)算法,这是一种非常聪明的动态编程算法,它设法将其状态表示为整数中的位,并使用二进制加法来完成更新状态的大部分工作,这就是加速算法的原因32 倍或64 超过一个更典型的实现。 :) Myers 的算法也使用这个想法来得到它的 1/w 速度因子。The nicest algorithm I'm aware of for this is A Fast Bit-Vector Algorithm for Approximate String Matching Based on Dynamic Programming by Gene Myers. Given a text to search of length n, a pattern string to search for of length m and a maximum number of mismatches/insertions/deletions k, this algorithm takes time O(mn/w), where w is your computer's word size (32 or 64). If you know much about algorithms on strings, it's actually pretty incredible that an algorithm exists that takes time independent of k -- for a long time, this seemed an impossible goal.
I'm not aware of an existing implementation of the above algorithm. If you want a tool,
may be just what you need. It uses an earlier algorithm that takes time O(mnk/w), but it's fast enough for low k -- miles ahead of a backtracking search in the worst case.agrep
is based on the Shift-Or (or "Bitap") algorithm, which is a very clever dynamic programming algorithm that manages to represent its state as bits in an integer and get binary addition to do most of the work of updating the state, which is what speeds up the algorithm by a factor of 32 or 64 over a more typical implementation. :) Myers's algorithm also uses this idea to get its 1/w speed factor.算法
与后缀匹配。 >s
因为有两种方法可以在“xxabcydef”中查找“abcdefg”,每种更改最多有 1 个,并且这两种方法都以位置 9 结束:
其中有 1 个插入(
)和 1 次删除(g
),并且有 1 次插入(
)、1 次删除(f
) ,以及 1 次替换g
为什么在第 3 行使用 while 循环贪婪地匹配两个字符串开头的尽可能多的字符实际上是安全的,这一点可能并不明显。事实上,这可能会减少将特定结束位置报告为匹配的次数,但它永远不会导致完全忘记结束位置 - 因为我们通常感兴趣只是无论是否存在在干草堆的给定位置结束的匹配,并且如果没有这个
与任何回溯程序一样,此函数将在某些输入上表现出指数减慢。当然,在您碰巧使用的输入上,这种情况可能不会发生,并且它的计算速度比 DP 算法的特定实现更快。
The function
below uses recursion (i.e. backtracking) to solve your problem. The basic idea is that at the start of any call tof()
, we are trying to match a suffixt
of the original "needle" string to a suffixs
of the "haystack" string, while allowing only a certain number of each type of edit operation.Example call:
This outputs:
because there are two ways to find "abcdefg" in "xxabcydef" with at most 1 of each kind of change, and both of these ways end at position 9:
which has 1 insertion (of
) and 1 deletion (ofg
), andwhich has 1 insertion (of
), 1 deletion (off
), and 1 substitution ofg
.Dominance Relation
It may not be obvious why it's actually safe to use the
loop on line 3 to greedily match as many characters as possible at the start of the two strings. In fact this may reduce the number of times that a particular end position will be reported as a match, but it will never cause an end position to be forgotten completely -- and since we're usually interested in just whether or not there is a match ending at a given position of the haystack, and without thiswhile
loop the algorithm would always take time exponential in the needle size, this seems a win-win.It is guaranteed to work because of a dominance relation. To see this, suppose the opposite -- that it is in fact unsafe (i.e. misses some matches). Then there would be some match in which an initial segment of equal characters from both strings are not aligned to each other, for example:
However, any such match can be transformed into another match having the same number of operations of each type, and ending at the same position, by shunting the leftmost character following a gap to the left of the gap:
If you do this repeatedly until it's no longer possible to shunt characters without requiring a substitution, you will get a match in which the largest initial segment of equal characters from both strings are aligned to each other:
My algorithm will find all such matches, so it follows that no match position will be overlooked by it.
Exponential Time
Like any backtracking program, this function will exhibit exponential slowdowns on certain inputs. Of course, it may be that on the inputs you happen to use, this doesn't occur, and it works out faster than particular implementations of DP algorithms.