移动应用内 A|B 测试
在移动应用(例如在线)中进行 A|B 测试是否有好的解决方案?我知道对于 iOS,使用相同的操作获得不同的用户体验是违反 TOS 的,但是 Android 呢?像 Apsalar 这样声称在应用程序分析中提供 A|B 测试的公司又如何呢?如何实现这一点?
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Artisan mobile 为 iOS 和 Android 提供了 A/B 测试解决方案。
基本思想是,将 SDK 放入您的应用程序中,然后将其发布到应用程序商店中。您可以使用该服务创建 A/B 测试并优化您的应用程序,而无需触摸代码或为每个测试返回应用程序商店。
Artisan mobile makes an A/B testing solution for iOS and Android.
The basic idea is that you drop the SDK in your app and then put it out in the app store. You can use the service to create A/B tests and optimize your application without having to touch the code or go back through the app store for each test.
对于移动应用程序,A/B 测试的工作原理基本上是用可从远程服务器控制的动态对象替换静态的硬编码对象。
这种方法提出了一个潜在的性能问题:如果最终用户的设备未连接以提取正在测试的对象的配置数据怎么办?我们构建了 Splitforce (,用于在移动应用中无缝设置和管理 A/B 测试,同时控制绩效风险。
一旦集成了 SDK 和实验,非技术产品或营销人员就可以即时设置新测试或调整现有测试 - 无需重新提交给应用商店或麻烦工程师。
使用 Splitforce 部署应用程序后,事件数据将存储在本地并发送回到网站上显示每个变化以及观察到的改进和统计置信度的测量结果。
有关 SDK 集成和新测试的说明,请访问 .
我们已经看到 Splitforce 用于 A/B 测试:
UI 元素 + 布局(颜色、文本、图像、广告/菜单位置)
我们还看到了用于远程控制移动应用程序的工具,其本质是将测试对象的一种变体设置为 100%。
For mobile apps, A/B testing basically works by replacing static, hard-coded objects with dynamic objects that can be controlled from a remote server.
This methodology raises a potential performance issue: What if the end user's device is not connected to pull configuration data for an object being tested? We've built Splitforce ( to seamlessly setup and manage A/B testing in mobile apps while controlling for performance risk.
Los details
Once the SDK and experiment has been integrated, non-technical product or marketing folks can setup new tests or tweak existing tests on-the-fly - without having to resubmit to the app stores or hassle engineers.
On first app launch, the mobile app requests configuration data from the server and then caches that data locally on the device. This is to both ensure a consistent user experience on subsequent app launches, and prevent corrupt test results by guaranteeing accurate attribution of conversion events to variations.
If the end user's connection fails or is timed-out on first app launch, the library displays a hard-coded 'default' variation. And to make sure that everything is looking good before you go live, we've built a 'shake to preview' functionality in debug mode that does just that :-)
Once the app is deployed with Splitforce event data are stored locally and sent back to the website to be displayed for each variation alongside measurements of observed improvement and statistical confidence.
Instructions on integration of the SDKs and new tests can be found at
And how is it used?
We've seen Splitforce used to A/B test:
UI elements + layouts (color, text, images, ad/menu placements)
UX workflows
Game dynamics + rules
Prices + promotions
We've also seen the tool used to control mobile apps remotely, by essentially setting one variation of a test subject to 100%.
要了解有关 Leanplum 可视化界面编辑器的更多信息,请访问。他们提供 30 天免费试用。
(免责声明:我是 Leanplum 的工程师。)
To learn more about the Leanplum Visual Interface Editor, check out They offer a free 30-day trial.
(Disclaimer: I am an Engineer at Leanplum.)
我写了一个名为 Switchboard 的小型开源项目。
它可以让您在本机移动应用程序中进行 A/B 测试、远程配置和阶段部署。它包含一个服务器组件,指定应用程序应具有哪些信息,以及 2 个适用于 Android 和 iOS 的本机客户端。
您可以在 找到代码库以及有关如何使用它的博客文章此处
I wrote a small open source project called Switchboard.
It let's you A/B test, remote configure and stage rollout things in your native mobile app. It contains a server component that specifies what information the application should have and 2 native clients for android and iOS.
You can find the codebase at and a blog post about how you can use it HERE
这个街区的新来者是。他们为 iOS 和 Android 提供 A/B 测试服务。
The new kid around the block is They provide an A/B testing service for iOS and Android.
我编写了 MSActiveConfig,这是一个非常灵活的框架,可以在 iOS 上进行远程配置 + A/B 测试,具有可移植的格式,能够在其他平台上实现客户端:。
该框架正在用于拥有超过 500 万用户的应用程序。
I wrote MSActiveConfig, an extremely flexible framework to do remote configuration + A/B testing on iOS, with a portable format to be able to implement clients on other platforms:
This framework is being used in applications with more than 5 million users.
这个领域已经出现了大量的新进入者...你可以看看 Swerve、Appiterate、leanplum...他们似乎都拥有适用于 iOS 的 SDK,不太确定 Apple TOS 是否以及如何允许这样做但既然有很多人这样做,就一定有办法。
There have been a spate of new entrants in this could check out Swerve, Appiterate, leanplum...all of them seem to be having SDKs for iOS as well, not really sure whether and how Apple TOS allows for that, but since there are some many of them doing it, there must be a way.
是的,几乎每周都会有新进入者出现在应用程序 A/B 测试中!但是,我认为 Appiterate 通过创建可视化界面,而不需要重新编写代码,比其他竞争对手领先了两步。我看过他们的平台(你可以请求邀请。我在 12 小时内得到了演示)并相信我,他们提供的是真正的所见即所得。
Yes, new entrants are showing up in app A/B testing practically every week! But, I think Appiterate has gone two steps ahead of other competitors by creating a visual interface, without any need to re-write code. I have seen their platform (you can ask for an invite. I got a demo within 12 hours) and believe me, it is actual WYSIWYG that they are providing.