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Closed 10 years ago.
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当然,尝试一下 Terracotta 或 EhCache。或者 Google 搜索“java 缓存”并选择其他内容。
Sure, try Terracotta or EhCache. Or Google for "java cache" and pick something else.
操作系统会自动缓存文件。它还会自动将最近使用的文件部分保留在内存中(它可以部分缓存文件)。我建议您让操作系统为您进行缓存,并找到一种在 Java 和操作系统之间高效获取数据的方法。
The OS caches files automatically. It will also automatically keep in the memory the most recently used portions of files (it can partially cache a file) I suggest you let the OS do the caching for you and find a way to efficient get data between Java and the OS.
Java 中的开源缓存解决方案
Open Source Cache Solutions in Java
我在 ehcache 方面运气很好。它是非常可配置的。
I have had good luck with ehcache. It is very configurable.