One of the main problems still not solved in cloud is the security. Every application should have data associated with that. With cloud where to store data? is it secure? can the owners of the system prepare it when some problem happens? ..
Another part is auto scaling. Can the users deploy their application and platform takes care of auto scaling load balancing etc ..
Versioning can the platform support different versions at once.
I think the main feature that is missing in all PaaS platforms is that they are scaling by duplication rather than parallelization. In order to scale, common platforms duplicate a worker, a service or an application and then re-aggregate this by deploying a (virtual) load balancer in front of it. Thus, the units of scale are relatively inelastic blocks (a block could also be a VM).
The ideal way of scaling should be smaller units though e.g.. threads, processes. This way scaling would leave this legacy approach towards a real elastic paradigm.
By the way: this way also the multicore-challenge could be addressed. When you have a system with 100s of cores, then probably the sole way for an application to scale is by thread or process that can be distributed over the available cores. Not by duplicating and deploying legacy load balancers.
云中尚未解决的主要问题之一是安全性。每个应用程序都应该有与之相关的数据。云在哪里存储数据?安全吗?系统所有者可以在出现问题时做好准备吗? ..
One of the main problems still not solved in cloud is the security. Every application should have data associated with that. With cloud where to store data? is it secure? can the owners of the system prepare it when some problem happens? ..
Another part is auto scaling. Can the users deploy their application and platform takes care of auto scaling load balancing etc ..
Versioning can the platform support different versions at once.
我认为所有 PaaS 平台都缺少的主要功能是它们通过复制而不是并行化进行扩展。为了扩展,常见平台会复制工作人员、服务或应用程序,然后通过在其前面部署(虚拟)负载均衡器来重新聚合它们。因此,规模单位是相对缺乏弹性的块(块也可以是虚拟机)。
顺便说一句:这样也可以解决多核挑战。当您的系统具有 100 个核心时,应用程序扩展的唯一方法可能是通过可以分布在可用核心上的线程或进程。不是通过复制和部署旧的负载均衡器。
I think the main feature that is missing in all PaaS platforms is that they are scaling by duplication rather than parallelization. In order to scale, common platforms duplicate a worker, a service or an application and then re-aggregate this by deploying a (virtual) load balancer in front of it. Thus, the units of scale are relatively inelastic blocks (a block could also be a VM).
The ideal way of scaling should be smaller units though e.g.. threads, processes. This way scaling would leave this legacy approach towards a real elastic paradigm.
By the way: this way also the multicore-challenge could be addressed. When you have a system with 100s of cores, then probably the sole way for an application to scale is by thread or process that can be distributed over the available cores. Not by duplicating and deploying legacy load balancers.