C# 代码的合并工具
谁能推荐一个专门用于合并 C# 代码的合并工具?我所追求的功能:
- 可以识别代码构造(类、方法等)
- 可以检测这些构造的重新排序
- 忽略仅重新排序的差异
- 三向合并
- 在结果窗格中即时突出显示编译错误。
基本上,我正在寻找一个比 Winmerge 等经典文件合并工具更具体的工具。通用合并工具的问题在于,它们逐行检测更改,这使得识别已移动但仍然完全有效的代码块变得极其困难,更重要的是,识别结果中的编译错误。
Can anyone recommend a merge tool that's specifically designed for merging C# code? The features I'm after:
- Can identify code constructs (classes, methods, ...)
- Can detect reorders of those constructs
- Ignore reorder-only differences
- 3-way merge
- Compilation errors highlighted on-the-fly in the result pane.
Basically, I'm looking for a tool that's much more specific than classic file merge tools like Winmerge. The problem with general-purpose merge tools is that they detect changes line by line which makes it extremely hard to identify blocks of code that has been moved around but that are still perfectly valid, and more importantly, to identify compilation errors in the result.
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您要求的功能在专业版中(请参阅功能比较),价格为 49.90 美元。
What about Code Compare?
The features you asked for are in the Pro Edition (see feature comparison) which is 49.90$.