带有 Mustache 模板的 ASP.NET MVC 3 多语言网站
只是想知道创建使用 Mustache 模板(或任何其他模板库)的多语言网站时最好的方法是什么。例如,如果您有以下模板:
<table class="tablesorter zebra-striped">
Was just wondering what the best approach is when creating a multi-lingual website that uses Mustache templates (or any other templating library). If for example you had the following template:
<table class="tablesorter zebra-striped">
What would be the best way to display langauge specific text for the table headings ('Name', 'Description', 'Comments'). Render on the server maybe?
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对于如此答案来说信息太多,所以我将推荐您参考 Scott Hanselman 的关于该主题的博客文章。
Too much information for a SO answer, so I will refer you to Scott Hanselman's blog post on the topic.
如果您想要一个干净的平台中立解决方案,我会选择 Mustache。 Hanselman 方法仅适用于 .Net。
I would with Mustache if you want a clean platform neutral solution. The Hanselman approach is for .Net only.