在 ASP 中,将请求变量保存到框架
我有一个带有框架的主页,其属性 src 设置为等于“SomeOther.asp”。
由于我有一些相当大的请求变量,我想将当前页面中的请求变量保存到我的 SomeOther.asp 框架中。有没有办法将我的请求变量传输到我的框架页面?原因是 b/c 在我的 SomeOther.asp 中,我无法真正对所有变量使用查询字符串 b/c 一个是一堆 1,2,3,4,5,..... 4000 多个,其中代表ID,我不想使用cookie,但我可以使用请求对象,或者可能是会话变量。
这是我的工作流程 page1 表单加载,点击提交按钮,从提交到 page2 的数据自动调用 page3 并带有查询字符串数据,我可以访问 page1 中的请求输入项。在第3页,但是不在 page3 的框架上,这就是我想要做的
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我有一个带有框架的主页,其属性 src 设置为等于“SomeOther.asp”。
由于我有一些相当大的请求变量,我想将当前页面中的请求变量保存到我的 SomeOther.asp 框架中。有没有办法将我的请求变量传输到我的框架页面?原因是 b/c 在我的 SomeOther.asp 中,我无法真正对所有变量使用查询字符串 b/c 一个是一堆 1,2,3,4,5,..... 4000 多个,其中代表ID,我不想使用cookie,但我可以使用请求对象,或者可能是会话变量。
这是我的工作流程 page1 表单加载,点击提交按钮,从提交到 page2 的数据自动调用 page3 并带有查询字符串数据,我可以访问 page1 中的请求输入项。在第3页,但是不在 page3 的框架上,这就是我想要做的
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

您可以在与 Ifram 的 src 相同的页面上尝试通过 post 方法。
You can try by post method on same page as src of Ifram.
您可以使用 JavaScript 将查询字符串传输到 iframe:
You can transfer your querystring to the iframe using JavaScript:
您可能想澄清请求变量的含义。查询字符串中的变量通常被视为请求变量,但您说您不能使用查询字符串...您的意思是您想要像表单提交一样执行它们吗?而这些变量又是从哪里来的呢?它们是在您的 asp 页面中计算的还是以某种方式传递到您的父页面的外部参数?
您可以将表单提交的目标设置为 iframe,在这种情况下,表单的响应将显示在框架中。
最后,您可以将状态存储到持久介质(例如数据库)中,并使用框架查询字符串中的 ID 来检索它。这可能比在会话中存储更好,具体取决于您要存储的内容的大小、流量等。通常,在会话中存储太大的内容可能是一个非常糟糕的主意,因为您可能会开始耗尽内存量如果你不小心的话。
You may want to clarify what you mean by request variables. Variables in query strings would generally be considered request variables but you say you can't use querystring... Do you mean you want to do them like form submission? And where are these variables coming from? Are they calculated in your asp page or are they external parameters passed to your parent page somehow?
You can set the target for a form submission to be an iframe in which case the response from the form will be displayed in the frame.
You can as others have suggested put the variables on the querystring but you suggest that might get too long.
If they are starting off on the server then storing them on the server is sensible. If in session you can either store each of the variables in an equivalent session variable. This will cause problems if the user has multiple copies of the page open.
You can do as you suggest and store all the variables under a single unique session key and then pass that as the single querystring parameter.
Lastly you could store the state into a persistent medium such as a database and use the id of that in your frame querystring to retrieve it. This may be better than storing in session depending on the size of what you are storing, volume of traffic, etc. Generally it can be a very bad idea to store anything too large in session due to the amount of memory you may start eating up if you aren't careful.
Without more details it is hard to say what will be best for your scenario but hopefully the above should give you some ideas on where you can go with it.
使用框架是绝对必要的吗?如果只是为了显示仅对登录用户可见的菜单或特殊区域,您确实应该考虑使用 CSS 来创建“框架”效果,这样您就不需要将请求变量传递到框架,或者必须搞乱围绕会话只是为了将信息从一个会话传递到另一个会话。
http://www.webpelican.com/web-tutorials/css-frames- 如果框架是必要的,
Is it absolutely necessary that you use a frame? If it's just to display a menu or special area only visible to a logged in user, you should really consider using CSS to create the "frame" effect then you won't need to pass your request variables to your frame or have to necessarily mess around with sessions just to pass information from one to the other.
Here are some examples:
If the frame is necessary then I'd suggest going with sessions.
如果你想在 iframe 中操作提交的数据,为什么不使用表单标签的“target”属性来指向 iframe?
If you want to manipulate with the submited data within an iframe, why not use "target" attribute of the form tag to point to the iframe?
元素内绑定查询字符串变量:据我所知,HTML 将所有 URL 视为相同,因此框架可以包含与普通页面 URL 相同的查询字符串数据。希望这有帮助。
To the best of my knowledge it is possible to bind query string variables inside of
elements:AFAIK, HTML treats all URLs the same and so frames can contain the same query string data as normal Page URLs have. Hope this helps.