CoInitialize 上保留参数的预期用途是什么
它创建至今已有大约 16 年了,我仍然不知道为什么 CoInitialize 方法。有谁知道(或能够做出明智的猜测)为什么添加此参数以及预期用途是什么?
Its been about 16 years now since it was created and I still don't know why there was a reserved parameter in the CoInitialize method. Does anyone know (or is able to make an intelligent guess about) why this parameter was added and what the anticipated use was?
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这其实并不是为了以后使用,而是为了向后兼容。阅读:为什么在 CoInitialize 期间指定分配器的功能从系统中删除了? by @Larry奥斯特曼,他实际上偶尔会在这里闲逛......
This is actually not for future use, but for backward compatibility. Read: Why was the ability to specify an allocator during CoInitialize removed from the system? by @Larry Osterman, who actually hangs around here occasionally...
In short: that argument used to allow you to specify a custom allocator. But since that feature has been misused, it was deprecated.