Javascript“SCRIPT5:访问被拒绝”从脚本打开 PDF
我们有一个在 LAN 上运行的 Web 表单,使用 OPEN 函数在 Javascript 中打开 PDF 文件。
今天,四名用户中的两名报告说该表单无法再打开 PDF 文件。
现在,当我尝试使用相同的 Web 表单时,我的工作机器和家用机器(通过 VPN)(都是 win7 64 机器)上遇到了同样的问题。出现问题的用户分别拥有winXP盒子和win7 pro盒子。
没有问题的用户拥有 winXP 系统,无论该操作系统信息的价值如何。
以下 Javascript 在 IE9 中返回 SCRIPT5:访问被拒绝。,并且在 Firefox 或 Chrome 中从脚本打开文件访问被拒绝。
var path = 'file://server1//Temp/file.pdf';
var newWin;
if(path != '') {
newWin = open(path,'pdf');
我已经无计可施了。这是怎么回事?我让早上等待的用户感到沮丧,有什么帮助吗? =)
I've read many other posted questions on SO and so far have found nothing to help me solve my problem.
We have a web form that runs on our LAN opening up PDF files in Javascript using the OPEN function.
For the longest time there have been no problems.
Today two of the four users reported that the form was not opening the PDF file anymore.
The other two users are not experiencing any problems.
I now get the same problem on my work machine and home machines (through the VPN), both win7 64 boxes, when trying to use the same web form. The users with the problem have a winXP box and a win7 pro box respectively.
The users with no issues have winXP boxes, for whatever this OS information is worth.
The following Javascript returns SCRIPT5: Access is denied. in IE9 and Access is denied opening file from script in Firefox or Chrome.
var path = 'file://server1//Temp/file.pdf';
var newWin;
if(path != '') {
newWin = open(path,'pdf');
I'm at my wits end. What is going on here?? I have frustrated users waiting in the morning, any help?? =)
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IE 的解决方案:
在客户端 IE 浏览器上执行以下操作:
在 IE 中打开
Internet 选项
对话框转到 < code>安全选项卡
本地 Intranet
按钮。在 IE9 中,单击高级
)。Solution for IE:
On client IE browser do next:
in IE open
Internet Options
dialogGo to
Security Tab
Local intranet
icon and click onSites
button. In IE9 clickAdvanced
button.Add into list address of web-server from you load a page with code in Question (example: