实际上,我正在使用 C++ 和 openGL 开发 SPH 模拟器。我现在遇到了几个问题,
我在盒子的一侧制作引发流体粒子(我将盒子作为边界体积),将它们塑造成盒子的形状,并赋予它们初始速度为零 。然后我开始主循环,中提琴,液体开始移动,这里出现了一个奇怪的现象。液体开始向各个方向扩散。
http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk86/ anggytrisnawan/Screenshot-UntitledWindow-2.png
#define H 0.040 // Smoothing Length
#define Rho0 1000 // (kg/m^3) water particle rest density
#define Mass 0.012 // (kg)
#define DT 0.001 // time step
#define TotalParticles 5000 // total number of particle
Actually, I'm developing an SPH simulator using C++ and openGL. There are several problem I've encountered right now,
I make initiation fluid particles on one side of the box (I make box as boundary volume), shape them like box, and give them initial velocity equal zero. Then I start the main loop, viola, the fluids start moving, and there's a weird phenomena here. The fluids start spreading over all direction.
Please look at the picture :
That picture taken after several seconds from the beginning of simulation. It's seems weird for me. Here is the parameter I used for the simulation:
#define H 0.040 // Smoothing Length
#define Rho0 1000 // (kg/m^3) water particle rest density
#define Mass 0.012 // (kg)
#define DT 0.001 // time step
#define TotalParticles 5000 // total number of particle
Note : currently I don't calculate surface tension force yet.
SOLVED : My fault here..they overlapping each other at the beginning..so pressure force make them spread..
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From the image you provided it seems that the simulation started with all the particles in one corner. Since the particles presumably must have some repulsive potential in order to not overlap each other, once the simulation starts this repulsion will force the particles apart.
Then again, you haven't shown any code, so the above is just a qualified guess.
如果我看图片,我会觉得我正在沿着 -Z 方向向下看,并且框的左下角位于 (0, 0, 0)。如果是这种情况,那么您的粒子模拟并不保守,即倾向于将粒子推向数值 0,就像存在力场一样。
What are the boundary conditions' values, i.e. at which numerical coordinates are the box limits? I assume, that your simulation runs off into a certain direction due to systematic rounding errors.
If I look at the picture I get the impression I'm looking down along -Z direction and the lower left corner of the box is at (0, 0, 0). If that's the case, then your particle simulation is not conservative, i.e. tends to push the particles towards to numerical 0, like if there was a force field.