我正在读这本书结构与解释 计算机程序,我想逐步编写一个方案解释器。
您知道最容易阅读(且简短)的方案的实现吗? 我将用 C 语言编写 JavaScript。
I'm reading the book Structure and Interpretation
of Computer Programs, and I'd like to code a scheme interpreter gradually.
Do you knows the implementation of the scheme most easy to read (and short)?
I will make a JavaScript in C.
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SICP 本身有几个部分详细介绍了如何构建元循环解释器,但我建议您看一下以下两本书,以获得有关方案解释器的更好资源: 编程语言:应用和解释和编程语言要点 。它们都很容易阅读,并逐步指导您构建解释器。
SICP itself has several sections detailing how to build a meta-circular interpreter, but I would suggest that you take a look at the following two books for better resources on Scheme interpreters: Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation and Essentials of Programming Languages. They're both easy to read and gradually guide you through building interpreters.
Christian Queinnec 的《Lisp In Small Pieces》一书非常棒。比 EoPL 更现代。涵盖了 Lisp 和 Scheme,并详细介绍了大多数书籍都忽略的低级内容。
Christian Queinnec's book Lisp In Small Pieces is superb. More modern that EoPL. Covers both Lisp and Scheme, and goes into detail about the gory low-level stuff that most books omit.
I would recommend the blog series Scheme from scratch which incrementally builds up a scheme interpreter in C.
我建议阅读 Kent Dybvig 的论文“方案的三种实现模型”。不是整个论文,但他讨论基于堆的模型的第一部分(直到第三章)非常适合Scheme的简单实现。
另一个很棒的资源(如果我理解正确并且你想用 C 实现它)是 Nils Holm 的“Scheme 9 from Empty Space” 。此链接指向尼尔斯的页面,底部有一个链接,指向该书旧的公共领域版本和较新的、更易于阅读的商业版本。两本都读过并且很喜欢。
I would recommend reading Kent Dybvig's dissertation "Three Implementation Models for Scheme". Not the whole dissertation, but the first part (up to chapter 3) where he discusses the Heap-Based Model is very suitable for a naive implementation of Scheme.
Another great resource (if I understood it correctly and you want to implement it in C) is Nils Holm's "Scheme 9 from Empty Space". This link is to Nils's page, and there's a link at the bottom to the old, public domain, edition of the book and to the newer, easier to read, commercially available edition. Read both and loved 'em.
a) Define_Evaluator:用于定义语句
b) Funcall_Evaluator:用于处理其他用户定义的函数
c) Read_Evaluator:用于读取表达式并将其转换为方案对象
d) Print_Evaluator :根据对象的类型打印对象。
e) Eval_Evaluator:对表达式进行实际处理。
-> 接下来,Eval_Evaluator 被触发,它处理第一步中形成的方案表达式对象。
如果要计算的表达式是符号, a)。返回它的值。因此变量blk将返回该块的对象。
b) 如果要计算的表达式是一个列表。打印列表。
c) 如果要计算的表达式是函数。查找将使用 Funcall_Evaluator 返回评估的函数的定义。
I can give you an overview on how my interpreter works, maybe it can give you an idea of the general thing.
Although the answer is pretty late, I hope this can help someone else, who has come to this thread and wants a general idea.
a) Define_Evaluator :for define statements
b) Funcall_Evaluator :for processing other user defined functions
c) Read_Evaluator :for reading an expression and converting it to a scheme object
d) Print_Evaluator :prints the object depending on the type of the object.
e) Eval_Evaluator :does the actual processing of the expression.
3.-> First each expression is read using the Read Evaluator which will create a scheme object out of the expression. Nested expressions are calculated recursively until the expression is complete.
->Next, the Eval_Evaluator is fired which processes the Scheme Expression Object formed in the first step.
this happens as so
a) if the expression to be evaluated is a symbol. Return its value. Therefore the variable blk will return the object for that block.
b) if the expression to be evaluated is a list. Print the list.
c) if the expression to be evaluated is a function. Look for the definition of the function which will return the evaluation using the Funcall_Evaluator.
->Lastly the print evaluator is fired to print the outcome , this print will depend on what type the output expression is.
This is how my interpreter works , doesnt have to be that way.
http://howtowriteaprogram.blogspot .co.uk/2010/11/lisp-interpreter-in-90-lines-of-c.html
我仍在寻找有关创建 lisp/scheme VM 的优秀博客文章,它可以与 JIT 结合使用(对于任何竞争性 JS 实现都很重要:)。
I've been on a similar mission but several years later, recommendations:
I'm still searching for good blog posts on creating a lisp/scheme VM, which could be coupled with JIT (important for any competitive JS implementation :).
除了 Queinnec 的书,这可能是方案中最全面的一本
到 C 的转换,您还可以阅读旧平台 library 中的文献.readscheme.org。
Apart from Queinnec's book, which probably is the most comprehensive one in scheme
to C conversion, you can read also literature from the old platform library.readscheme.org.