如何使用 STL 将数字格式化为有效数字
我正在尝试使用 C/C++(最好是 STL)将数字格式化为特定数量的有效数字。我见过在 Javascript (toPrecision()) 和 .Net 中执行此操作的示例,但我找不到任何在 C/C++ 中执行此操作的内容。我想创建一个像这样的函数:
std::string toPrecision(double value, int significantDigits) {
std::string formattedString;
// magic happens here
return formattedString;
toPrecision(123.4567, 2) --> "120"
toPrecision(123.4567, 4) --> "123.4"
toPrecision(123.4567, 5) --> "123.45"
我还可以将源代码下载到其中一个浏览器,然后看看它们的 toPrecision 函数是什么样子,但我认为我需要一整天的时间来处理不熟悉的代码。希望有人可以帮忙!
I'm trying to format numbers to a specific number of significant digits using C/C++ and preferably STL. I've seen examples of doing this in Javascript (toPrecision()) and .Net, but I can't find anything on doing this in C/C++. I want to create a function something like this:
std::string toPrecision(double value, int significantDigits) {
std::string formattedString;
// magic happens here
return formattedString;
So that it produces results like this:
toPrecision(123.4567, 2) --> "120"
toPrecision(123.4567, 4) --> "123.4"
toPrecision(123.4567, 5) --> "123.45"
Does anyone know a good way to do this? I'm considering dumping the whole number into a string and then just scanning through it to find the non-zero digits and count them off in some intelligent way, but that seems cumbersome.
I could also download the source code to one of the browsers and just see what their toPrecision function looks like, but I think it would take me all day to work through the unfamiliar code. Hope someone can help!
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Stolen from another question:
查看 iomanip 中的 set precision()。这应该做你在双精度上寻找的东西,然后只需转换为字符串
Check out setprecision() in iomanip. That should do what you are looking for on the double, then just convert to string
将其打印到 ostringstream,并根据需要设置浮点格式参数。
Print it to an ostringstream, setting the floating-point formatting parameters as appropriate.
上面的方法使用 ceil(log10(x)) 来确定数字整数部分的位数是完全合法的。但我觉得仅仅为了设置一个数字而调用数学函数对CPU来说有点沉重。
这是我尝试的方法(使用 Qt 而不是 STL):
但是问题是关于 STL 的。所以,让我们这样重写它:
The method above with a ceil(log10(x)) is perfectly legit to determine the number of digit of the integer part of a number. But I feel it's a bit heavy on CPU to call for maths functions just to set a number of digit.
Isn't that simpler to convert the floating value into a string with too many digits, then to work on the string itself?
Here is what I'd try (with Qt instead of the STL):
But the question was about the STL.. So, let's rewrite it that way: