我已更新到 MonoTouch 和 MonoDevelop 的最新版本。
我似乎无法使用 Shift 键 + 向上/向下箭头一次突出显示确保文本行。我还注意到“--INSERT--”出现在左下状态栏中。光标也是一个框,而不是通常的单行。
我用的是mac book pro,所以没有insert键,按fn+return似乎没有任何效果。
I've updated to the latest versions of MonoTouch and MonoDevelop.
I can't seem to highlight ensure rows of text at a time by using the shift key + up/down arrows. I've also noticed that "--INSERT--" appears in the bottom left status bar. The cursor is also a box instead of the usually single line.
I'm using a mac book pro, so there is no insert key, and pressing fn + return doesn't seem to have any effect.
How do I turn insert mode on and off?
I've also noticed that it sometimes says "--VISUAL--", but I can't find any links when I google these tiems.
您已启用 vi 模式。在 MD 首选项中将其关闭。
You've enabled vi mode. Turn it off in MD preferences.